Adrien touches the Marinette booty

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Nino:so what do you think of Marinette?

Adrien: ya shes a very good friend!

Nino: umm ok but lets play a game. ok, so imagine Marinette but in this thought think of Marinette as your girlfriend ok, so how would you describe her if you were her boyfriend..

Adrien: If I were her boyfriend I would think that Marinette is kind ,compatible-

Nino: but your her boyfriend so your not the purest...

Adrien: ok I guess her legs are pretty long her butt is relly-

Nino:umm thats not exactly what I meant

Adrien: firm

Nino: wait.. WAIT!!! You've touched her butt?!

Adrien: well... Y-yahh a few times actually..

Nino: oh my gosh dude when!?!!!??!

Adrien: Remember when we went to see the statues?..well, when me and Mari were alone together I pretended to be my statue..and when she was in front of me facing away from me... I..kinda.. o-opened my hand..and then she backed up..I tried to keep myself from smiling more than I already was..

Nino: OOOOO dude did you say a few times too..spilllllll!!!!

Adrien :okay... umm ...s-so remember that one day when we all went to the beach. umm.. s-so when she was drowning I saved her.  when I was carrying her out of the water bridal style...I had a choice between either holding her legs or butt and I chose butt I had a nose bleed after I gave her
C. P. R. ....I  also.. Kissed her when I found out she was breathing..

Nino: wait if you kiss her wouldn't that mess up her breathing track..?

Adrien :I-didn't

Nino: oh? then where did you kiss her

Adrien: ........

Nino: pervert..

Adrien: no no no no no no no I kissed her ummm.. Her *quiet voice* Abs...

Nino: Dude were not aloud to say that this a mostly pg fanfiction although this ones a little pg-13 if you know what im sayn...

Adrien: what n-no I
said her- H-HAYYYYYY Marinette!!!


Adrien: Nothing much how bout you..?

Marinette: umm we're not talking about anything really...!!!

Alya: ya nothing to do with Adrien with his shirt off*winks at nino*

Adrien:*light and airy voice*
what..? *Adrien's face has a huge grinn and is blushing darker and darker uncontrollably*

Nino: oh umm.. yaaaa, we were totally not talking about how Adrien tries to touch the Marinette butt ever chance he gets...

Adrien: NINO!!!! Uncool man...!!!!!!!

Marinette: WHAT??!?!?!

Adrien: umm.....Im sorry..

Nino:  no, your not...


Marinette: *blushing darker than Adrien*

Adrien: I let you touch abs if I can- actually I just want you to touch my abs

Marinette: DEAL! 

Nino: wasn't there also that one time when you two were dancing really close and, Adrien's hands were drifting-

Adrien: NINO!!!!!

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