Im with the science team!

804 6 2

(⚠️ PG 16! A fare amount of sexual content. The characters are aged up to like 17-18! and what not⚠️)
*Adrien platonically watching horny balloon videos on YouTube with Plagg, because they're used to it by this point and plagg still doesn't get why it's awkward*

Ladybug: *hops in through the window* hey Adrien I need you for a super boring mission that we could do next week if we wanted too..

Adrien: *clicks off phone, covers crotch and clicks off phone*

Plagg: *hides*

Ladybug: *smug face* are you seriously watching p*** by yourself...

Adrien: no... I'm with-
Um yeah... NO- I'm not watching p*** It's just YouTube..

Ladybug: so little mr agreste has a flaw..

Adrien: okay listen... it's not that bad... it's really just YouTube videos- her titties aren't even ou!- I mean her bosom isn't showing...

Ladybug: then what is it??? Can you show me?

Adrien: *pats the spot on his bed next to him*

Ladybug: *red face*

Adrien: *stares at her innocently, not yet realizing what he's suggesting*

Ladybug: *walks around his bed and sits by him*

Adrien: you know men get really- and I know women probably do too just..

Ladybug: I get it you're horny

Adrien: do you wanna see?

Ladybug: s-see what?

Adrien: my um...

Ladybug: no. [I can't lose confidence]

Adrien: no? Okay 👍 [that's a first.. Marinette would have said- wait what?]
*cuddles beside her*

Ladybug: [internally screaming]

Adrien: are you okay?

Ladybug: yeah are you okay?

Adrien: yeah.. um... can you get closer?

Ladybug: [holy sh*t we're gonna watch **** together... I've only seen **** once and it was an accident, cause chat was spammed something on his staff...] *scoots closer*

Adrien: hey.. if you get really into it you can sit on my lap... or kiss me... whatever you want..

Ladybug: o-o-okay... a-Adrien

Adrien: you ready? *turns his phone back on and hovers his finger over the play button*

Ladybug: ye-yessss I'm ready can you please start it?

Adrien: [for some reason I'm starting to think-]
*starts thrusting the air a little then stops to gauge her reaction*

Ladybug: *undeniably staring at his... parts*

Adrien: *smirks and presses play*
Hey... don't, um.. don't judge this is just whatever I could find on YouTube..

Ladybug: yeah, why don't you watch normal p*** then?

Adrien: don't tell anyone... I'm scared.

Ladybug: ohh woowww *shaking*

Adrien: [oh wow...]

Video: some guy thrusting a man sized balloon, in Adrien's Search history you can see women doing the same, he's grunting and moaning

Ladybug: why are you watching a man?

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