Chapter 21: Lightning Strikes

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Chapter 21

'Thinking' – thoughts

"Speaking" – speech

'Thinking' – Dragon/God/Beast thinking

"Speaking" - Dragon/God/Beast speaking

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters they are property of Hiro Masima.

---In Kardia Cathedral---

"I guess you have the same question as I do. Who is the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail? Eh Mystogan?" Laxus asked with a grin as the masked man materialised inside the mist.

"You should not underestimate the power Erza holds," Mystogan calmly replied.

"She might have some admirable power, but compared to us she is still weak," Laxus said with a cocky smirk. If it wasn't for Mystogan achieving S-Class rank the year after him he wouldn't have even recognised the Mystogan ass a powerful foe.

"If you think she is weak you are either blind or ignorant, whichever it might be you are still forgetting about a certain member that dwarfs both of us in terms of power," Mystogan said in his calm and even tone.

"That guy isn't a wizard, he's a monster, but he isn't even here so it's just you and me," Laxus said with his grin still present on his face as lighting stated crackling around him.

"I will agree on you with that at the very least," Mystogan replied with a sigh as he moved his right hand to one of the staves on his back. Mystogan had to dodge a bolt of lightning that came for his head. As he rolled out of the way he pulled a staff from his back and swiped it in an arc towards Laxus. A blue wave of energy was emitted from the staff but Laxus jumped up high to avoid the attack.

"Seems like your reflexes are sharp there Mystogan, or should I say..." Laxus said with a smirk as he landed before his smirk turned malicious at the end. He couldn't finish his thought because he had to lean backwards to avoid the staff that Mystogan had jabbed at him. Quickly retreating to a safe distance Laxus' grin grew.

"Seems like I struck a nerve, normally you are so calm and collected," Laxus commented as he coated his fist with lightning.

"Tell me, how do you know about that?" Mystogan asked as he jammed the staff in his hand into the floor while reaching for another one.

"How about I tell you if you defeat me," Laxus said before he dashed forward and calling out "Lightning Fist". Mystogan grabbed a staff from his back and met Laxus' fist with the staff. "Pulsing Wind" Mystogan called out as a blast of air originated from the staff he used to block Laxus' attack.

"That's the spirit, it wouldn't really mean that much if I defeat you when you are acting all angry and not thinking," Laxus said with a laugh. "Lightning Rain" Laxus called out as he raised his hand and brought it back down causing multiple bolts of lightning to rush down to Mystogan's location.

"Light and Dark Resonate: Conflicting Shield" Mystogan called out as he stabbed the staff he had in the ground and pulling two more from his back and crossed them above his head. A barrier that was swirling with light and dark magic formed above him and blocked the 'Lightning Rain'.

"Let's dance," Laxus said as he saw Mystogan making his way around him. "Lightning Body" Laxus called out and transformed into a bolt of lightning and zipped to the other side of Mystogan. Mystogan stabbed his staves into the ground and pulled the last one from his back.

"Heat Wave" Mystogan called out and swiped the staff in front of the lightning Laxus. Waves of fire sprouted from the staff and followed Laxus. "Crashing Bolt" Laxus called out as he slammed into the ground where Mystogan was moments before.

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