Chapter 33: Entering the Fray of Six

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Chapter 33

'Thinking' – thoughts

"Speaking" – speech

'Thinking' – Dragon/God/Beast thinking

"Speaking" - Dragon/God/Beast speaking

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters they are property of Hiro Masima.

---Ancient abandoned cave---

A man sat pushed himself into a sitting position as his hand went to his forehead, covering a distinct tattoo over his right eye. The three other occupants waited in silence, one due to boredom, one hiding his excitement and the last in dread at her actions. The man lowered his hands and held them just above his lap, staring intently at both. A darker aura engulfed one hand while the other was engulfed in a golden sheen.

The man slowly brought his two hands together and when the two magical auras around his hands came in contact, the dark aura tainted the gold, darkening and dirtying it until it mimicked the dark colour of the other aura. As his light extinguished a malicious grin grew on Brain's lips.

"Jellal, feel out the source of Nirvana's power and lead us to it. The world will soon kneel before our might," Brain said as a faint, barely visibly dark green aura formed around Jellal's head.

"Preparations are required for the successful revival of the superweapon Nirvana," Jellal said. When he turned to look at Brain during his reply, Wendy saw his glazed-over eyes, seemingly devoid of life and felt dread seep into her very soul.

'What have I done? Did I not heal him? No, this is all my fault,' Wendy's innocent mind was being tainted and corrupted by the dark thoughts spawning from the seemingly dead look the man she had to heal now encompassed.

"Fear not Jellal, for I have seen to it that everything is prepared, now all we need is the location of Nirvana's resting place so that its magnificence may once more roam this world, whit us at its helm," Brain said with a gleeful undertone surfacing from his usual tone.

Suddenly a wave of heat flooded the cave and an orange light illuminated the entrance.

"Seems like Racer alone was not enough to deal with those who got close, how disappointing," Brain said, more to himself before he stood tall. "Cobra, hear my call and answer. There is an annoyance that needs to be disposed of. I will be heading to Nirvana to claim our destinies," Brain shouted.

---Somewhere in the Worth Wood Sea---

Standing in a sparsely wooded area, Cobra tilted his back in the direction of their temporary base. As the words of his Guild Master reached his sensitive ears a grin spread on his face, it only grew when he heard the crackling of flames in the following.

"I hear you loud and clear Brain. This will be much more enjoyable than searching for Nirvana. Time to show the old generation that their voices will soon fade into nothingness as the new era rises," Cobra answered, a dark maroon cloud of magic snaking its way across his fingers at the last part as the purple serpent let out a hiss.

It wasn't hard for Cobra to find the pyromaniac, even if he didn't have his enhanced sense, all he needed to do was follow the light show that illuminated the dark forest floor. An amused grin flashed across his lips as he saw the Fire Dragon Slayer delivering a beat down on one of the guilds working under them. Cobra waited patiently for Haru to take the entire guild of grunts out before deciding to reveal his presence.

"Hey there Hot Head, it's your lucky day. My Master doesn't wish to be disturbed so I'm here to deal with you," Cobra said as he dropped from a tree in front of Haru.

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