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3rd pov

Kokichi woke up from his long depression sleep, he had sobbed his eyes out as soon as kiibo left, thinking he would hate him and then fell asleep. he rubbed his eyes and winced since he had a massive head ache. The purple haired boy pushed the pain away and got into his school uniform, brushed his hair and teeth, and did the little bit of makeup he did to hide his eye bags, pimples and such. Ouma walked down the stairs with his backpack over his shoulder to see his moms and kotoko at the table.

" oh. h-hey moms, " kokichi said as he greeted his moms.

" morning kiddo! how did you sleep? " Ibuki asked.

" eh.. " kokichi responded as he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and drank a little.

" m-morning kokichi, " Mikan smiled. kokichi smiled back to his mom.

" well, im off to school. see you l-later, " kokichi quietly said as he left the house. he took the long way to school to avoid talking to kiibo, but due to him quickly getting ready subconsciously he got there about 10 minutes early. He quickly ran to his locker but kiibo was standing there, talking to shuichi who had flowers in his hand?

" just go away, he doesn't like you. " Kiibo coldly said to shuichi as he looked down on him.

" how do you know that? your just a robot, you could never understand the relationship between me and Ouma. so make like a tree and fuck off. " (im sorry i know its a fuyuhiko line but i love it 😰🙏) Shuichi said as he was clearly annoyed and about to hit kiibo.

" how about you take your own advice jack ass. " kiibo said, cussing, which was something he only did when very mad or upset.

" you littl-"

" o-oh hi shuichi and k-kiibo! " Kokichi stuttered, stoping the two from fighting.

" oh , hey Ouma!- "

" Kokichi! hey can we talk, please? away from him. I want to apologize. " shuichi said as he cut off kiibo.

" ah, s-sorry shuichi, but the t-teacher said i had to m-make sure he gets to his f-first class o-ok.. maybe later? " Kokichi said. shuichi sighed but knew that he would have to wait.

" ok, does lunch sound good for you? or maybe after school? " shuichi asked with a caring tone in his voice.

" sure, lunch is f-fine, s-see you then.. " kokichi said. shuichi smiled and hugged kokichi, but while they hugged he whispered something to him.

" be there. or else they'll know. " shuichi said harshly to kokichi. kokichis eyes went why as he heard shuichis words, that were almost as cold as ice.

" m-m-mhm.. " kokichi said to shuichi.

" byee~ see you later darling! " shuichi said as he walked off to his class. kiibo ran over to kokichi.

" Ouma! are you ok? you look like you got scared! did he touch you? or say something? " kiibo said.

" n-no, he didn't do anything. I just dont really like hugging him.. " Kokichi said, making an excuse. kiibo didn't fully believed him, but he seemed to be telling the truth so kiibo let it go.

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