Part 10 - Smoke bombs and fake wands

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Evie let out a slight gasp as she locked her eyes onto the paint-splattered back of Dizzy Tremaine, who was testing out new jewelry designs by grabbing gems and random knick-knacks and putting them up to the attachment piece. Evie put her finger up to her lips, singling for Mal to stay quiet so they could surprise the younger VK.

Mal smiled and nodded, stepping around the salon chair and creeping up to Dizzy, watching with a smirk as Evie crouched next to Dizzy. The teen slowly turned, her eyes widening and a bright grin spreading across her face "Evie?" the blue-haired VK nodded as the younger VK leaped out of her seat and into Evie's arms "Evie you came back!!"

"Hi!" Evie sang, swinging the girl in her arms a bit before Dizzy pulled back. Mal smiled at the display of affection, setting her bag down on one of the nearby tables and starting to gather the things Evie would need to make the smoke bombs.

"Is it all just like we imagined? Do they really have closets you can walk into? Have you been to a real swimming pool yet? What does ice cream taste like?!" Evie and Mal shared an uncomfortable glance as Dizzy listed off the things that were now normal for them.

Mal turned back to the bottles filled with chemicals and tried to remember what Evie had said when she was babbling about the ingredients for the smoke bombs.

"It's cold and it's sweet. And if you eat it too fast it gives you a headache" Evie tapped Dizzy's forehead, smiling softly as Dizzy's wild grin turned a bit softer at the thought of the treat.

"Really?" Evie nodded, raising her brow as if to say 'would I lie to you?' Dizzy looked off to her left for a split moment and her grin widened "I saved your sketchbook for you!" Evie gasped, her eyes widening a bit.

"You did?" Dizzy nodded and ran towards the cash register, leaving Evie to stare at Mal with slightly saddened and surprised eyes. Dizzy ran back to the table with a large blue book with a heart and crown foam cut out on the front.

"Dizzy~" the young VK set the book in front of the chair and took a step back, looking up at Evie with a large grin "Oh my gosh~" Evie flipped her hair out of her face and sat down, running her hands across the front of her old sketchbook. "Wow" she flipped open the book, smiling as she looked at one of her first designed "fancy" dresses, one that was visually very similar to the dress she had made Mal when she met Jasmine and Aladdin.
"I made this dress out of an old curtain and safety pins" Evie sighed dreamily, running her fingers across the swatch of fabric scrap she had pinned into the book.

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