Jealous Levi x Playgirl Reader

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So, I'm sorry this took so long to come out. I decided to put this out now as my editor hasn't replied or seen the messages that I have sent so I have no idea what's going on. So basically, this is unedited. I've given it a quick look over but my editor has not gone over it, I may reupload or edit this if they eventually get back to me but idk. (btw just a reminder, requests are still open)

Your point of view

People always call me a playgirl. They say I'm just never happy with a relationship, but the truth is that I just want one person. He never seems to notice me though. I'm wondering if this was all for nothing more and more every day. It just seems hopeless. I understand that he may never like me back but I don't know how to accept that. I just can't. He seems so harsh and stoic but behind that figurative mask, there's hidden emotions from years of torment and the caring person that I know is there. Even if I never get the chance to talk to him. Hange is the only person who really knows about this. They have offered to help as word has recently gotten around that I'm a "playgirl". They don't know that I'm just trying to get that one person's attention, Or am I actually just trying to get over Captain Levi by dating other people. Never mind, it probably won't matter.

Hange recently proposed an idea to me about how to get Levi to notice me. I think it could be worth a try. Hange won't tell me why they suddenly want to try this method in a certain way, I mean. It's not like I haven't tried anything similar before, but they say it'll definitely be worth it and I trust them fully, The deal was that, I "date" them and act like I fully like Hange and try to make Levi jealous enough to confront me about it. Not like it's worked in the past but I guess there's no harm in trying. I have no idea why Hange wants to do this though, they never really wanted to get too involved before, it's just strange, They were there to comfort me when I get stressed or worried about him never noticing me but also tell me that there's the obvious chance that I might never get his attention as he is scared of losing people that he cares about and might still not want to date anyone incase he loses them, she mentioned something about his two closest friends dying on their first expedition, but of course I was in too many tears to listen properly at the time.

So, this plan will begin its operations at dinner/tea in the mess hall.

Time Skip to said dinner/tea in the mess hall.

I was sitting with Hange in the hall and trying to act like we began dating. It's hard. But it's always been hard to do this. However, it's different this time. Hange knows the true reason that this is happening and I don't have to lie to them. We have the same goal in mind, hopefully get a reaction from Captain Levi. Hange knows how much this means to me and also knows that this isn't a true relationship so they won't be mad if it does happen and they've probably already got a million ideas of how to get Levi's attention considering their IQ of 11/10.

Hange began to pat my leg in a comforting manner, probably seeing how nervous I am and then calls Levi over. So, direct approach it is I guess. I was pulled out of my thoughts of what do I do? When Levi suddenly spoke. "Four eyes, what do you want?" she began talking to him and I half tuned it out until my name was mentioned. I just smile and look to Hange with a look of what is going on? They then wrap their arms around my shoulders and say that we are now dating. The blush on my face was not from love or being flustered but from annoyance and panic. They could have told me this was going to happen! Hange then makes a sound resembling a squeal and begins to tell me about how cute I am"

I see Levi's face contort from shock to rage "Four eyes. Do that in private, it's making people sick!"

Levi's point of view

I can't believe this... I told Hange that I think I might like someone and even give them hints, then they go and date that person! Either Hange is stupid or they never really cared about me and just wanted to make it clear that I can never be happy. That's all my head is filled with and I walk out of the mess hall, neglecting my tea and broth./soup.

How could they do this to me? I thought that they cared, I trusted Hange. Can i even trust anyone now? What about Erwin and Mike, are they joining Hange in this endevor to ruin any happiness that could have possibly happened with her. I walk into my office and lock the door, preparing myself for a long night of paperwork...

Over the next couple days, all I can see if I leave my office or room is Hange and y/n being all lovey dovey. Hange hasn't even bothered trying to speak to me. So much for a good trusted friend. I've risked my life more times than I can count for them. Yet, they do this. Other than Isabel and Furlan. They were the first person who actually wanted to speak with me.

Through the last couple of days, i've ended up being a lot more withdrawn, I've only eaten a piece of bread or two a day and taken it back to the room. Erwin probably thinks I'm ill, considering he hasn't given me as much paperwork as usual. I've been in my room a lot more too. Not doing much more than looking out of my window, gazing off into the horizon (which is blocked by the wall).

I can't handle much more of this. It's stupid but all I want is to embrace y/n and let her know how I feel. I thought that the way that most people think about her now would stop her from dating others. But no, she just had to go with Hange and make me feel even worse. I swear down, I'm the only person who hasn't dated her. How is that even fair?

Your point of view

Hange has received an update from Erwin about Levi's condition and passed it along to me. I decided to visit him in his room/private quarters to see if he is okay. Even if he doesn't care about me, I still care about him.

I knock on the door and it opens a few moments later. Levi is looking extremely shocked but allows me to enter the pristine room.

He raises an eyebrow in question and I begin to speak "I heard about you being ill, sir and I wanted to ask if you needed anything." He doesn't reply for a moment. But when he does, I was bewildered to say the least. "Why are you dating Hange? Why are they so much better than me? Did they tell you about my past or something? I'm not sick but I just... I trusted them. And they go and date the one person that I have feelings towards and want to be closer to..."

My eyes widen as Levi breaks down. He wasn't mad earlier... he was jealous? Now their plan makes sense...

I walk closer to Levi and begin to hug him. And begin to explain the situation. "Hange didn't betray you. We're not actually dating. I've held feelings for you for a while now, I didn't expect them to be returned. The reason that I dated the others was to try and get your attention. It looks like Hange's plan worked. I mean here I am. With my arms around you and yours around me. And I feel so happy because now I know that you feel the same." A small laugh left my mouth as the situation began to make sense. Hange Zoe works in mysterious ways. 

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