Levi x Non binary reader

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edited by Noey_B

Requested by starryxxsky

(Sorry it's taken so long, piles of assignments and me being lazy alongside being wayy to excited for comic con)

A lot of people don't seem to understand. Or at least that's what it feels like. People often try to figure out if I'm a man or a woman but the truth is, I don't identify as either. I only refer to myself as they or them. I feel like neither a man nor a woman, I'm just a person. My appearance catches people off guard about this too. I have an androgynous appearance, this means that I don't look entirely like a man or a woman but almost like a mix, some people have said. I don't interact with many people but I do have a few close friends.

I sometimes spend a bit of time with Captain Levi, I make him chamomile tea often and bring it to his office in the evenings as he seems to have trouble sleeping. When I do that, I often end up sitting with him for an hour or so after he has finished his paperwork. I always try to stay long enough to make sure that the chamomile is working so that he can get some rest easier. If I'm not with Captain Levi then I'll either be reading in my dorm, sleeping, or training. Or with the other close friends, I mentioned.

I hold the rank of a squad leader, which also takes up a lot of time. I have paperwork to fill out and I have to ensure that my team is actually trying to improve their skills while training. I don't want them to die just because I'm too lazy to see how well they're doing. They also tend to make more paperwork pile up on my desk. One time I had to file a report for one of them breaking the window to someone's office. That one didn't go down too well.

On rare occasions, I speak to other members like Hange. She is really laid back and tends to talk my ear off, so I don't really get a choice in the matter. I don't actually know how she talks so much, doesn't her throat get dry or hoarse? That's what's happening right now. She is currently filling me in on all the latest details of the soldiers in the survey corps while I sit here eating a piece of bread. That was when she blurted it out.

"Levi has also been talking about you." My head shot up from staring down at my bread, eyes wide and frozen in shock.

"What do you mean?" Hange immediately averted her eyes nervously.

"Nothing really!"

I look over at her suspiciously then notice Levi standing in the doorway. He seems to have heard what she said and looks mortified. Eyes wide with shock and mouth slightly agape. He catches my eye, immediately rushing out of the room. Without knowing what else to do, I follow him. He arrives at his quarters and heads inside but stops before closing the door.

"Come in then," he says. I follow him eagerly, ready to question him.

"So, you gonna tell me what that was about since you heard?" He stood still in the room after having locked the door, clearly thinking we needed privacy.

"If you didn't like me this whole time I can just go. You didn't have to pretend. I'm not that unreasonable" I spoke.

He was still looking down but his eyes seemed to look up as I began to turn to the door.

"Look, I don't think of you like that. I don't hate you. I just... I don't know how to explain it. Or how you would react if I managed to. I tried going to four eyes for some advice, which clearly failed as she decided to blab around with her stupid mouth. The thing is, I have... taken an interest in you, so to speak."

This just confused me more. I cocked my head to the side slightly with a thoughtful expression, trying to decipher what he meant by the last line. It was when he ruffled my hair and allowed his lips to brush against mine in a way that gave me the lightbulb. Ah, That's what he meant! My face began to heat up at the realization and my anger seeped into guilt. Eventually, I just let out an "Oh.." before trying to formulate some kind of comprehensible sentence.

"I guess I'll have to thank Hange for um.. you know... screw it, I like you too!"

He let his lips begin to curl upwards into an actual smile! Can you imagine that? 'Captain Mr no smile Levi' actually smiled. He enveloped my warm body with a comforting hug that I happily returned. Before our make-out session followed.

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