Levi x deaf reader

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Levi x deaf reader! 
Editing credits to Noey_B

Your (P.O.V)

The expedition was a week ago. The terrors were tremendous, it was the 49th expedition outside of the walls; There was an abnormal. My best friend was a part of my squad, I felt adrenaline pulse through my veins at that very moment I saw a hand reaching to swat her like a fly. She wouldn’t have time to react, I quickly launched into the air and pushed her out of the way before I felt it. The searing pain coursing through my body. To make matters worse I hit my head on something, probably a tree. I felt my entire body fall limp, unable to move under the pain until I fell unconscious. 

Today my wounds have finally healed enough for me to leave the sickening infirmary. There was one problem though, after I hit my head something happened. I don’t know fully why but I can’t hear. The nurses said that it will only be temporary though, but not to venture outside the walls until it was back to normal. I wanted to be ready to leave for lunch at the mess hall, I was told that I had to speak to a commanding officer about my injuries at some point today though. Luckily, my squad leader was Hange, she was manic and beyond crazy at times but she was also one of the most understanding squad leaders. Finding her would be considerably harder though, considering that I couldn’t hear. 

Hange and I spoke on a regular basis from the beginning of when I joined the survey corps, Hange was always talking with me about titans. She was the only person to be able to see what I was feeling towards certain topics. I tried not to care much about other people, but it always failed. I tend to care a lot more for people than I realize and want to. I’ve tried not to become emotionally attached to my squadmates but that always ends in failure and sorrow. 

I was poking around the empty halls after looking into Hange’s office. She was becoming increasingly difficult to find. Knowing her, she was probably running around trying to find people to talk about titans with. 

I was stopped abruptly with a hand on my shoulder. It startled me and I screamed from the contact. As I turned around, to see it was just Hange and let out a sigh of relief. 

“Hange, don’t scare me like that!”

I could already tell my pronunciation was definitely not correct. Hange seemed to dismiss it though and started speaking. 

“I was screaming your name down the hall, did you not hear me at all?” 

When there was no reply but a look of confusion, Hange seemed to understand. She slowed down her speaking pace and used hand gestures while asking, 

“Can you hear?” 

I shook my head to indicate and tried to stutter out the rest of my condition. It was amazing she could understand the words that were supposedly coming out of my mouth. I didn’t have to hear myself to know that it was almost impossible to put together whatever nonsense was coming out of my mouth. 

After speaking to Hange, I headed over to the mess hall for lunch. Deciding to just get a piece of bread and sit alone for the day. It would be too hard to deal with anyone trying to hold a conversation anyways. I wasn't the best at lipreading and was practically terrified. What if my hearing never came back? I would have to find other ways of communicating efficiently with my squad before being able to go on expeditions. 

With all these thoughts rushing through my mind, I failed to notice the looming figure practically yelling my name. Then there was a harsh poke on the temple of my head. I looked to see Captain Levi looming above me, appearing very agitated. He probably thought I was just ignoring him. Now I’m so done for, I still managed to stand up and salute quickly. Feeling the eyes of the whole mess hall staring at you. 

“I was going to ask how your injuries were healing and maybe give you some extra time to rest and cover for you during cleaning. But, I see you’re well enough to ignore me. I suggest you get to the stables now. You have a week of stable duty for ignoring your superior.” 

He turned away for the last part so I had no idea what was said. Just standing there saluting, that was until he turned around with a glare that would literally murder you if you stood there for longer. He pointed to the door and spoke again, it was laced with so much venom that I didn’t need to hear it to know. 

“I said now! And for that, you will be cleaning the mess hall after dinner, which you are not permitted to eat in tonight.” Still trying to catch what he was saying as I scurried out of the room. Leaving almost in tears as Hange came in, undoubtedly surprised by the sight. 

I was hiding in my room for the entire night panicking. Having no idea what Levi wanted me to clean or if he even wanted me to clean. You liked Levi a lot, he was strong and fearless. Yet he cared so much about his comrades, even if he tried to keep himself from becoming emotionally attached to them. His black hair, styled in an undercut was stunning and suited his features well. His grey eyes with that shadow of a pale blue were magnetic. Not even the force of the titan that slapped me could match it. 

You were once again startled by the door swinging open violently, catching your attention through the movement. There stood a very angry Captain, fuck. 

He marched up to you, yanking your wrist for you to follow whether you wanted to or not. You were pulled to the stables and a cloth was thrown into your hand. He said one word, which was enough for you to understand the movement. You nodded vigorously before cleaning quicker and harder than you ever had before. 

After about half an hour, Levi seemed satisfied with the stables and pulled you to the mess hall, to start on that. That’s when it clicked. Levi probably thought you were ignoring him, making him tell you to clean the stables at that very moment so when you just stood there. He got infuriated and wanted you to clean the mess hall without eating. It took about an hour and a half to clean the mess hall. You were panicking so much that you cleaned fast and made sure that there was not even a speck of dust. Levi’s constant intimidating gaze didn’t exactly help either. 

After that, he dragged you to another room. It was pristine and practically shining with cleanliness. Clearly his office was more organized than your life would ever be. He started speaking to you. It was too quick for you to be able to understand what noises were coming out of them. 

Levi (P.O.V)

I was asking her why she hasn’t been speaking to me. Yes, I was speaking a bit faster than my usual pace, but it’s not my fault. She’s been practically ignoring me all day, including any work that I’d given her. She wouldn’t even acknowledge me when I was knocking at her door. I need to know what’s going on before I go batshit crazy. 

She wasn’t saying anything for about five minutes as I asked her questions. Then she started to cry? She tried to hide it by putting her head down but I could easily hear the sounds of discreet sadness coming from her lips. I couldn’t even hold myself back as I wrapped my arms around her. Her body tensed at first but quickly she wrapped her arms around me. Returning the hug and crying, murmuring apologies. That was when the door opened with Hange. She seemed out of breath as if she had been running around the whole building trying to find them. Before I could even react, Hange yelled 

“It’s not her fault! She can’t hear!” I just looked at her with confusion and allowed her to continue “On the expedition, she got injured saving another member of her squad and hit her head pretty hard, she has a temporary hearing impairment as a result.” 

I looked at her, my eyes wide in shock momentarily. I then tapped (f/n)’s shoulder so that she would look at me and pointed to my ear, she shook her head. Hange then left the room after saying she would give us some time. 

Your (P.O.V)

The comforting hug continued for about another five minutes until he separated and slowly leaned in to kiss you while cupping your cheek with his left hand. The kiss wasn’t rough or desperate but sweet and loving. He was kissing your lips tenderly, treating your body like it was a delicate and frail masterpiece.
It felt amazing as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed back, everything that you both wanted to say and hear, being conveyed in that kiss. Your eyes fluttered closed as you were enjoying every moment of the silent confession and declaration of love.

a/n- requests are open. Feel free to send a comment or message as a request! I am in need of ideas.

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