Shocking News pt.1

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I looked down at my feet and my palms were sweating heavily. They all looked at me and i heard appa sigh before speaking. My heart was beating fast. I gulped hard waiting for him to say the important news.

......U are getting married.......

My eyes widened at the news. Tears started to build up in my eyes. My lips started shaking. I'm only 16! How can they arrange my marriage?
B-but appa...I'm still young. And I'm not ready as well!!
Chael: So what? Do we look like we care? We want to get rid of u.Moreover u did nothing to us.
B-but wh-why?
For gods sake y/n stop crying like a crybaby.
Chael said annoyed but i couldn't care less. My whole life is getting destroyed by a blink of an eye and he's telling me to stop crying? Is this guy mentally stable??

My whole life is getting destroyed and u expect me to stop crying? R u even my fami-
I couldn't complete my sentence as my head turned towards the other direction. Eomma slapped me. My tears were now falling nonstop like waterfall.
Y/n! We took care of u all these years and made u stand in your feet. And this is what we get back? Do this at least for our company! Give us a fid back at least u ungrateful-
I looked at her in disbelief still not able to function what she said. I cut her off. I decided to tell everything to them.

Took care? U say u took care? Well is this what u say taking care? Always seeing me as outsider, never asking about my problems, never appreciating when I do something good, never showed me love, never hugged me like a mother and u say take care? Do u mind spending some time with me? U always, being my mom, what have u done? Just called me names, just scold me and hit me. Did u ever asked what happened to me when i come home late? U just listen to ur son's shitty complaints about me and scold me. I never got to see what love is! And u say u took care of me? Well then u shouldn't have born me as a child! I know u regret giving birth to me..but at least now..let me live! Or kill me and let me free! U care for ur company! U want a fid back after raising ur child! I thought i learnt love of parents r selfless! They don't want anything in return! Then i guess i was totally wrong! Ok! Let me clear more things up- I hate u! I hate all of u.

I spat angrily as i can't take it anymore. I told everything today what I've hidden for years. I was sad for being their family member when they don't care about me. I was angry cuz they consider them as family after how they treat me like. I was angry cuz they even arranged marriage without my opinion. Mostly forcing me to get married. Even they want a fid back? Seriously?

Chael: y/n don't get too much angry. U know it's not right!
He told me giving a death glare. But today i was not scared.
What will u do? Huh? Beat me till death? Do it! I'm sick of these! Just kill me already i won't stop.
He immediately stiffened his muscles hearing my bold words and also shocked to see me like this. But he quickly changed his expression to a serious one as appa spoke.

Appa: look y/n. U r gonna marry him no matter what. Moreover, u can't do anything for us. So at least do this. Ur eomma is right. U r a ungrateful brat. Think it as a forced marriage or arrange...u can't escape from this. Do this for our company. Min's.son. Now go to ur room and end of discussion.

I looked at him pleading eyes and turned my heads at my mom's direction. But what shocked me most was mom's apologetic eyes. I saw regret in her eyes. In no time, appa left the living room so as chael. It was mom and me. I was sobbing silently looking down and made my way towards my room. After that, i was crying my eyes out. Thinking about my messed up life. I had the urge to cut me again but stopped thinking about the promise to my friends.

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