Telling the truth

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I was greeted by the morning sunshine in my face. I woke immediately and did my morning routine. I wore a black top and black pants. I sneaked out of house quietly and made my way towards school. I liked the fresh breeze hitting my face. After 20 minutes walk, i steeped in my school. I went to the library and started reading a book. Well I'm not a nerd i just like reading books as it relieves me from stress. I was too much absorbed in reading an adventurous book as i didn't notice when niki came.


I screamed and jumped by her sudden action. I was so loud that everyone looked at us in surprise. Niki immediately apologised to everyone.

Yah. What's wrong with you?? Can't you just have a normal start?
Niki: (laughs) y/n, u should've seen ur face. This was the best thing in my life.
*At least I'm someone's best.*I mumbled under my breadth not loud enough for niki.
U should be grateful that u r not dead yet.
Wae andwaeoo~~
I was giving her a death glare
Koure koure~(can't stop laughing)
I glared at her whilst holding her arm.
Aa mianheoo~



We went to our class and soon the teacher started his lecture.

Skip to lunch time

We went to the cafeteria and saw my unnies waving at two of us. We waved them back. But they started walking towards us. First i was confused as heck seeing their expression. Rose unnie hold my hand and dragged me to rooftop. Their gaze softened as they saw me confused.

Jisoo: So...y/n? Care to explain?
Rose: y/n? Did u ate breakfast? U look pale!
Rose: plz y/n don't lie
Kunyang...(it's just...)
Jennie: Look y/n, we are like ur elder sister right? And u r our little sis? So why don't u tell us the reason of ur depression? We will surely try our best to help u.
Rose: We will not let go the person if there is someone who abuses u. If there is someone who hurts u I'm sure we will not let that person go easily.

Rose unnie got angry suddenly while turning her palm into fist ready to punch.

Unniee..calm down first.

Niki: ne y/nie. U should share with us. We r ur friends.

*i told them everything from start till the end. Everything, my brothers lying, complain about me, my mothers conducts....except my self harm*

Tears started to form in my eyes as i told them everything. They looked shocked to hear all of these. Rose unnie pulled me for a hug. I felt safe in her embrace. 

Rose: Shh..calm down

She patted my back.
Rose: i will kill that bastard chael. How dare he to to do this!!

Jennie: Why didn't u tell us earlier y/n-ah? Don't u believe us enough?

Jennie unnie said with tears in her eyes.
Unnie don't cry. It makes me feel heart broken when i see u guys cry.

Niki: But y/n-ah promise us that u won't cut urself. Jwesonghajimahn~


Niki: I know u self harm. I found a blade in ur backpack which is stained in blood. And also some bandages. Also, i saw cuts in ur wrists. So... yaksok?

Jisoo: Bajayo! Y/nie...plz promise us. Hajima.

I looked down.

Nan mola...

Jennie: Look y/n, we are always here for u alright? U can call us whenever u r depressed. We psychos r here to lift ur mood up.

We all giggled at her statement.


After that we all did a group hug and started eating. I didn't want to eat but they were too strong to force me lol. I am really lucky to have them as my friend. After the bell rang, we went to our respective classes. I was glad that i didn't have to face Chael today.


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