living your life

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Im on my own at home waiting for my mom to get back from work,i was playing one of my favorite games (gta) my mom left a note on the fridge it said " Lexas i might get back later tonight since i got night shift
So if you want i made you some lasagna in the fridge ,love mom♡"
I looked in the fridge to see... it was chicken flavour" ewww grose i only like beef " i mumbled to my self but i ate it any ways idc if its not my fav, i picked my phone up and called livi witch was my bff i asked her if we could hang out" of course we can dufus" she yelled at me over the phone leving my ear ringing.

I walked to livis house listening to music at the same time
When i arived at livi's house i was about to knok when the door swung open and jewls (livis dog) jumped on me "sorry lexas i tried to hold her while tring to open the door" she held out her hand for me to get up i grabed her hand and yanked her pulling her down with me we where both on ground laughing.

As i went inside livi asked if i wanted a drink i agreed we kept on talking about school and freinds but livi said out of nowhere "have you heard about the cartoon cat she asked, i said no and just cut her off by showing her my scores on my game she knew what i was doing so she grabed my face and said" i think its time we go on a adventure " she said to me with a funny smile i was going to say no but i had no choice cause she grabed my wrist and packed a flash light, snaks,and our amulets.

We got in her car and i asked "where are we going" and she just said " somewhere"

cartoon cat x lexiWhere stories live. Discover now