As i went to let go of cc he pulled me down into his fluffy body i looked at him(-_-) this time he was more warmer and his fur smelt like death i asked him if he has a shower he said this is a shop not a house i said to him that "if i let you come over to my house i will let you stay maby... but how" i said to him i looked at the wall thinking as ,i looked back at cc "c..cartoon cat where a..are you" and i heard a soft like kitten meow in the darkness and i saw a small black kitten it was cc he said"will this help" i ran up to the kitten and pick him up almost squezzing him to death i love kittens cc blushed so hard that he burried his face in my arm....i noticed it and held him tight as i walked towards the door and left the abandoned mall cc looked back hoping nothing goes wrong I started walking thrugh the dark and heard some people behind me i looked at them and they yelled out to me "BITCH WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!!" I got a shock cc jumped out of my arms and he got bigger until he was his original form scaring them off but one of them stayed and said"OI FUKING BASTARD GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY"
but he didnt answer but in a flash he grabbed his head smashing his face into the concrete he picked up the guy and looked at where used to be a good condition face witch is now coverd in blood and peeld off skin and riped his head off eating it whole i looked away in shock but i could smell the blood from where i was standing i looked over and they where like 10 feet away,
{GOREover} i dont understand how could i smell the blood from here i crouched down and covered my ears to stop hearing the sceams of pain ,and they finally stopped then i felt someone pic me up i then saw who it was it was cc he asked if im ok i blushed and said yes he saw me blushed and chuckled, i covered my face and he turned back into a black little kitten making me hold him again i did cause je was soooo cute in his kitten form i squeezed him to my chest as he blushed He then ,ade a squeaking noise that was soo cute but i was squezzing to tight and i loosend my grip and said sorry
As i arrived home my mom was worried sick about me i said that i stayed at livis place for a couple of nights and gave cc a filthy look"oh i see you found a stray cat" mum said cc gave her the dirtiest look as in saying in his mind you bitch .As i went up stairs to my room is said to cc "your lucky i didnt tell her about you STAY HERE!" I went dow stairs to talk to my mom and she asked me"who where yalking to? I said" my freind on the phone" ."ok" she said
I got a towl from the cupboard and grabbed cc took him to the bathroom and mum came up and said"what are you gonna name him? I looked at cc and said "feilix"
this is the look he gave me when i said that..
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