Me and livi arrived at an old and abandoned mall i seems it hasnt been used in a long time like 50 maby 60 years its roof was caving in about to colaps by the looks of it, i grabed livi and wanted to go she said "awww cmon its not like someones gonna kidnap us both at the same time, ok i said with a sigh.
As we approched the mall i pulled out the flashlight and i noticed i forgot i also packed a dagger in my bag trying not to let livi see it i plulled it out and held it firmly in my hand as we approched the mall i turned on the flashlight and took one step into the mall as a passed the entrance it felt like j passed through a wall of bad energy but i ignored it.
We ventured deeper into the mall then had bad vibes running down my spine "livi do you re.....livi....livi!!" She was gone and all i could see was old abandoned shops and escalators i heard a snap behind me i rapidly swung around and there was nothing "o..ok livi th..thats enough now" no answer and i started to walk to the entrence of the mall but i forgot witch way it is i ventured too deep but now im lost while beeing watched
I heard another noise behind me and yelled "whos there! in a frustrated way No answer then i got the felling i had to run so i did i ran into one of the closest stores and found a desk i hid under it and waited till i calmed down"so livi is whoknows where and im in a abandoned mall with idk great just great" i then got up and peeked around the corner to see if anyone was there it seemed ok so i walked out of the room and the door slamed shut behind me i didnt have time to look back so i bolted down a long hallway leading to a dead end i tried to look for a exit.
I then turnd around and saw what was chasing me was not a human it seemed to be a cat that had them gloves from the toons in the olden days its eyes where so wide open and it had a creepy like smile.
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