prt4 catching feelings

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As i opened my eyes i fliched by something infront of me almost falling off the bed it was cc (cartoon cat ) i turnd the opposite way so i couldnt see him then i heard him mumble something to him self then i turnd and dead stare him in the eyes witch made him blush a litle but he covered his face

(Cc pov)
Idk why i didnt kill her like the rest ,i felt like a sharp pain to my chest theres somthing abuot her that isnt like the rest of the humans ,somethin inhuman
I leand over to look at her eyes and noticed something weird like all humans have blue brown and green eyes she had bright green with a bright yellow surrounding the puple it was verry cool tho

(Lexa,s pov)
As i looked at him i could see the cold killer in him but something i felt i didnt want to know or find out all i was worried about is mom and my freind so with a verry soft voice almost whispering i asked cc if he knows where my freind was he said no but as i descibed to him his eyes widend even more and his smile was now a frown he left the room fast and locked the door.

(Cc pov)
Idk what the fuck i done i noticed her freind when she described her to me i killed her what was i thinking is she gonna hate me forever i grabbed the courps of her freind livi and tried to hide it.

(Lexas's pov)
Umm that was strange i said to my self
But i noticed the feeling it was weird that a soon as cc cat is there i get that feeling ,i then felt a shiver up my back i turnd and it was cc i didnt even hear the door open or any foot steps i fell off the bed from shock he then caught me in a bridle style i then froze as he caught me i blushed a bit, his fur was soo soft and a bit cold but i didnt care he then placed me on the bed but my fucking mind was dumb i placed my hand on his furry chest it was soo soft, it was making him blush a bit he looked at me and i quickly removed my hand he then came closer to me forcing me to blush even more he chuckled and he got that close to my face i could feel him breathing on me we looked eachother directly in the eyes i closed my eyes thinking he is gonna do somthing bad i then felt something on my cheek i rapidly opend my eyes in a flash he was kissing my cheek, this was the feeling i had ,it felt good and bad at the same time it felt weird when a blooded killer/ feline kissing my face. As he moved i blushed soo hard i looked like a tomato i covered my face he chuckled and said " sorry i didnt know what was happning" i then stood up as he looked worried i huged him as he blushed i bit i then burried my face in his soft fur of his sholder.

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