chapter 6

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"You look much better than I imagined." Yuta praised taking in the sight of Sicheng. He wore a black suit with silver trimmings and a diamond broach that resembled the moon. Sicheng found it quite ironic. The trousers and blazer he was wearing were quite tightly fitted, showing his figure. The blazer, showing off his tight waist and trousers, showing his leg's length and elegance. His make up was done lightly yet made his face look extremely handsome.

"You look beautiful."
"I dont just look beautiful, I am beautiful."
"Good. Keep that attitude." Yuta smiled at Sicheng and kissed his hair (which was slightly pushed back and looked spiky) before holding his hand and walking with him to where he needed to be first.

"So, Sicheng, I recommend you don't say anything unless you are spoken to. Pay attention to what is going on and form an opinion in case yours is asked. They probably won't ask your advice on major issues so you won't have to worry about that. Just look good and smile for the most part, ok?" Sicheng grimaced and nodded. "You don't have to come if you don't want to. You can stay at the room or I can drop you off in the human world...." Sicheng cut him off by squeezing his hand. "I'm not going anywhere." He said with a pout. "Cute. There will be a chair next to mine which is where you sit. The chair will always be to the right of mine so that should make it a little bit easier for you. Also, try not to look around too much. You nervous?"
"A little."
"Don't be. I'll be holding your hand the whole way through." Yuta brought Sicheng's hand to his lips and kissed it softly. Sicheng blushed again, smiling. "Let's go." Yuta said as the black double doors to the hall opened. They walked together, hand in hand to their chairs as traditionally dressed knights keeled on either side of them. Sicheng stood by the chair on the right and looked at Yuta for confirmation, Yuta giving it in the form of a nod before they both sat down, still holding hands.

Two men walked up the aisle and stopped before them, bowing. "I hope you aren't going to tell me about getting a queen when I clearly have a potential king." Yuta said to his advisors, throwing one leg over the arm of the throne and showing that they're holding hands. "O-of course not, my King. May I ask you, what is his name?" One of them asked.
"Maybe ask him yourself? He can both understand and speak this language."
"Certainly. Sir, what are you called?" The same advisor asked whilst Sicheng crossed one leg over the other. "董思成" Sicheng spoke, his voice perfectly clear and smooth. "What a deep, powerful voice he has." Commented the second advisor. "Mister Dong, are you of Chinese descent? Your name sounds Chinese."
"My name is Chinese as I, myself, am Chinese. I was also born and raised in China." Sicheng stated before leaning back in his rather impressive throne. "You are very well spoken, Mr.Dong."
"Are you finished throwing offensive compliments to a man of a higher status than yourselves?" Yuta snapped at them both.
"Indeed. Sorry, my King, Mr.Dong." both of them said.

"We were here to tell you about what you did yesterday, in the human world." The second advisor said, holding up a sheet of paper. "If anyone were to know what I did in the human world yesterday, it would be me. But go ahead. What did i do." Yuta said, sounding highly uninterested. "Well, both you and king Lee Taeyong were seen murdering an alpha male warewolf. You also appeared to know that he was an alpha, yet proceeded to drain him. Would you care to give an explanation?"
"I wouldn't, but Sicheng here, might, being a witness." Yuta looked over at Sicheng and thumbed over his knuckles before Sicheng spoke. "Unlike You, I am not a vampire. I'm a warewolf." Sicheng spoke, shocking the two.
"I demand an explanation."
Yuta looked over at Sicheng and squeezed his hand encouragingly before Sicheng explained. "I, yesterday, went to the 'human world' for reasons I will not disclose. In the 'human world', I went to a coffee shop and sat down. Next to me was Taeyong and Yuta. I knew they were vampires from just a while after I sat near them. After a while, I smelt an alpha male, me, being an omega, was rightly scared so I sat with Yuta and Taeyong, told them my situation and they agreed to protect me from him. Shortly after, the male appeared, asking for me, thankfully, they wouldn't hand me over. After a while, their argument over me got heated so we took it outside where the male lost the argument and ended up dead." Sicheng said to the men who were busy scribbling down what was said.
"Is that true, King?" Advisor 1 asked. Yuta nodded

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