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The drive to my condominium was, fortunately, quiet. It seemed like Harry does not want to talk about it in front of his sister, who fell asleep at the back seat.

"We are here", I said as I parked the car. When he didn't reply and made a move, it was then I noticed that he fell asleep too. The ride from his apartment to my condominium took roughly more than an hour, it will probably be shorter if the road wasn't full of cars strucked. My place was only less than 30 minutes away from school ,lesser when I used my bike.

This got me thinking that if he take bus everyday, then his journey would be longer, I can't help but feel pity for him, but that was something I shouldn't give. For a little time that I knew him, one thing I have found out was he had a lot of pride, in the sense that he will handle everything in his power and avoid getting help as much as possible.

I believe it was also the reason why he kept on turning Niall down. If there's one thing I'm good at it was reading people, and I think it was crazy, because I had entered it so many relationships that I gained experience.

There was two of them, plus the luggage, it was impossible to carry them both. Going to the back, I took down their small suitcases and gym bag, I wonder how many clothes he was able to fit in this tiny luggage, then I carefully carried the little girl whose name i failed to get.

With the little girl on my right arm, the gym bag slung on my left shoulder, while my hand pulled the luggage. I was about to open the passenger seat door to wake up the sleeping beauty but he looked so vulnerable, peaceful and beautiful that I can't help but admire his features, standing outside. How I thought I was over my stupid crush on him.

Well,  now as I think of it. I guess, I'm still not.

The Bet | Zarry |  *On Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now