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I hid a smirk while acting hurt as I placed my hand around his waist. He flinched a little but he tried to hide it. His smell was so intoxicating that I didn't noticed that we've arrived at nurse's clinic.

"Here we are", he said. Even his voice was addicting.

" T-thanks", I stutter and I've never stutter before. It's like my brain went overdrive just being close to him. He knocked and then help me inside.

"Zayn, What happened? ", the nurse asked. She was new at the school, only started last year.

She was of 23 then. She has a shoulder length Blonde hair and brown eyes. To top it all, she has a great figure too.

I was always getting into fight and and always ended up at clinic. So, she knows well. I even tried to hit on her but I got rejected before I made a move.

It was Harry who answered. " He got hit by a soccer ball."

"Okay, let me check. Zayn, Can you please sit here. So, I can check if you have a concussion.", Nurse Emily told me. She started to check my head for lumps and she found a small one. "Put ice on this part". Then she flashed my eyes with lights to follow, to assess the reaction of my pupils to know if I suffered from some brain injury.

"All clear... But if u feel some dizziness and nauseated, go to hospital."

I hoped off the stool and thanked her.
"I'll do that! Thanks Emily! You are the best! " I tried to flirt again but as usual, it was futile. This girl.

Harry must has seen our interaction and I felt something off from there. I hope it was jealously but I really doubt it. For all the years I spent here, it was only him who was immune to my charms. Every boy that I met swoon on me even when I'm a boy.

I'm bisexual, Lucky for me that my parents were lenient in my sexual orientation and they have accepted me. However, I just wished they'd spend more time with us. Back then, at least I still have my sister but after she went to college, I felt so alone. Good thing, I got friends who was in the same shoes as me. Business minded parents plus no time equals spoiled rich brats.

My jet black hair was set up back in my signature quiff. I wore my favourite leather jacket and black jeans than my school's uniform. Even the principal has given up on me. He can't do a thing since we basically owned the school.

"Since you're okay now, then I'll take my leave. Thank you Nurse Pirtle.", Harry said and then left. He used Emily's surname.

" You like him, Don't you?", Emily teased and based on my reaction, she knew she hit the spot.

"He doesn't like me." I don't really know what happened but suddenly I found him interesting again. Back in freshman year, I was already enchanted by him but like Emily he rejected me on the spot. He was the first boy who had ever rejected me.
"He hates the likes of me."

"He hates gay?", Emily inquired

" No, not gay. He hates rich people." That's what I found out from the information that I gathered.

"You can't really blame him." I rose a brow on her remark. She sighed. "Just look at your group. You basically rule the place. No respect for authorities. You're all so lazy to even participate in school activities except if we have a party. In short.... "

I completed for her. "We're spoiled rich brats." She nodded and I knew it was true. Everything I needed was given to me in a silver platter. The only effort I needed to actually do was study. They will fail you if you fail. The school may tolerate the lack of student participation but not academics. I knew because I experienced it first hard. I had to give up my whole freshman summer in order to make it up.

It's made me wonder, what am I going to be if I failed? What if something happened to my parents? Can Doniya , my sister and I handle our business? I knew she can do it, we were complete opposite but what if something also happens to her. Our company will surely die on my hands.

"Thanks Emily! " I bid my farewell and left the room with a thousand questions in my mind but only one conclusion.

I need to CHANGE.


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