T is for Trauma

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——————————(y/n) pov—————————
I shot up from my bed gasping. A few tears ran down my cheeks. I rubbed them away and noticed the sun streaming in through the window.

"Hey...are you ok?" Clem's soft voice spoke. I turned to look at her and plastered a fake smile.

"Just a bad dream."

"Ok...if you want to talk about it, I'm here."

She got up and left the room, leaving me with my thoughts. "Thank goodness it was just a nightmare...." I muttered. I got up out of the bed and put my shoes on. Exiting the room, unlike the dream...more like nightmare, I heard noises. Birds, the faint sound of people. I smiled softly, relaxing a tiny bit.

Why should I doubt them? I'm sure they are strong and could beat...them. I shook my head and walked down the stairs to the double doors. My eyes squinted shut when I opened one of the doors and stepped outside. Walking down the steps, my eyes adjust to the sun.

Hey, I've been walking in forests where it's usually dark ok? I don't get this much direct sunlight, especially in the morning!

I saw the kid Clem was with yesterday talking to another kid. They both were seated at a table and drawing. I wish I could be that oblivious and innocent nowadays. That's not a choice however.

In this world you do what you need to to survive—even if that means doing something in humane. My past won't be talked about to the people here, they might kick me out of the place. Honestly, would I blame them? No, I have done unforgivable things in my past. But here, this place, this is my new start. I can start over here and live a new life.

No one would even look at me nicely if they knew. That's why they never will. If I see one of them from my past I will feed them to the walkers. T is for Trauma, that can not be undone. Trauma induced by those who you may trust. That's why I shall not give full trust to anyone ever again. Not even Clem

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm trying to get ideas to make this more interesting. Also hi again! i'm trying to update as much as I can, so hang in with me! Bye! -Author

Published: 2021

Edited: 6/3/22

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