I can explain

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(Your POV)

Well, I don't think they will be able to find me. Right? I mean, I left no "footprints" except the name everyone knew me by. That would make it impossible to find me again. So, maybe I can go back. Just tell Clem that I needed to go for a walk to clear my mind.

Yea, thats what I'll do. I could even tell her whats been bothering me recently. Maybe it'll even help me feel better.

Ok, I will go back to the school, apologize for worrying her, assuming that she was the person I heard opening the door to the school and that she read the letter I wrote, and during the moment I will choose if I will tell her about my past or not. I can weigh out my options while I walk back there. I think I know the way back to the school. Or at least the safe zone. All that matters is getting to the safe zone. From there on out, I will be able to make my way back to the school and talk to Clem.

(3rd POV)

Peaches got up from the bed and looked out the window that somehow still had glass intact. The sun was letting rays brush the ground just barely. Usually (Y/N) would be up before the sun, at least before they went to the school and was sleeping on a bed much more comfortable than the ground. When they were at the school, they were able to get more sleep and better quality sleep. It was like some sort of magic. Maybe, after some time they would be able to live life fully without being haunted or hunted down by their past.

They wondered if the guilt would ever leave. Perhaps, they will be able to feel normal again after a few years of staying at the school with everyone. Although, they knew it would be hard to push past their not-so-small crush on Clementine. They were fully convinced that Violet and Clementine would become the pair.

(Your POV)

Ok, I should weigh out what could happen. She could understand, if I completely explain everything and don't forget to say anything. But knowing me, I will try to explain things and it will be all mixed up. I'll start off with him and then explain what he did, what he's probably doing, and then how I got there. Then she might be a bit confused, so I'll explain her and hopefully she will understand that she is a reason I'm afraid to get close to anyone. Then I can explain...well everything else! I'm leaving no room for doubt, I have been carrying these secrets for years and I can't hold them much longer. 

I wish to trust someone, share secrets with someone, and feel better, not feeling like it's just a piece of information to use against me. From what I've seen from the few days I was at the school, and what I will assume, Clem wouldn't use it against me. She's a wonderful person...She's everything I could ever ask for. Sometimes I wonder why people always want their partners to be taller than themselves. Why not be the tall one in the relationship? I am a bit taller than Clem...but then again, I don't know if she likes me. What if she doesn't?

That would make everything so awkward, just confessing my love to her and finally letting my guard down and then having my heart shattered just like what she did. But Clem is different, she showed interest whenever I talked to her. She was always nice, I mean she even gave me a place to sleep and let me have warm food. Surely she wouldn't break my heart or kick me to the curb...that's what people said before the apocalypse, right? Anyways...she wouldn't make things super awkward if she didn't feel the same, right? 

Shes super nice, I doubt she would be that cold-hearted to me. Its not like I'm a walker crawling into the safe-zone, thats something...or someone, If I want to be specific, to be cold-hearted to. Or would it be considered doing the person who used to inhabit the body a deed? That answer would differ depending on who is being asked and if theyre given reasoning behind the "Doing them a deed" answer.

Oh wait...Isn't that a deer up ahead? Oh surely if I get this kill and bring it back it would convince Clem to let me stay, or to at least accept my apology. Well, that is if it was her who followed me outside earlier. If it wasn't, whoever it was probably alerted her. So, either way, she probably knows of my leaving. But now all I need to focus on is shooting this arrow correctly and hitting the deer in a fatal spot so it doesn't feel this...There we go! Perfect!

I walked up to the deer, thankfully due to this monstrosity of an apocalypse, I'm strong enough to lift the deer onto my shoulder. Looking up, I could see the gate in the near distance. Closer than I thought! A smile, short and abrupt, made its way onto my lips. As I continued walking towards the gate, I looked up to see someone was...watching me. Ok thats a bit creepy. Although the hair does look familiar...No (Y/N)! Focus on whats in front of you, it wouldn't be of any use to me if I walked into a trap or even worse, a walker. Bye Bye deer and hopefully seeing Clem's smile again. But I don't want that, I wont let that happen. I've gotten so far, and I will not allow all of these years of pain and running to be taken away from trying to see if my crush is watching me.

Gosh that sounds like something out of one of the cheesy fiction novels ive read in the past. After a few more minutes of walking with the deer that seemingly is proceeding to get heavier as time passes, not too heavy although, I finally reach the path...or slight clearing...before the entrance of the school. Or the gate door, same sort of thing. 

"Who...wait...(Y/N)?? You're back?? You're back!!" Clem's eyes seemed to shine in the rising suns' light. Gosh she was beautiful.

"Uh...yea. Surprise?" I replied before she opened up the gate door quickly. How did she get off the watch tower that fast? Did she fall? "Are you alright? How did you get down from the tower so fast..." My words drifted off as I looked up at the top of the tower. 

My question was left unanswered as Clem hugged me. 


"I thought you said you weren't coming back...Never do that again (Y/N)! Sure, I may have just met you a few days ago, but I still care about you a lot..." Clem's sweet voice was slightly muffled as she buried her face into my chest. 

Gosh I never want this moment to end.

"Well...I'm back...If you think you can help me deal with all of the monsters from my past then I won't run off again." I looked down at the top of her head. "Although can I put this deer down? Its getting kinda heavy..." I nervously laughed as Clem released me from the warm hug. 

"Sorry about that." A shy smile adorned her lovely face.

Gosh how was she so perfect?

"So do I bring this to the cauldron or put it in a pile like Warrior Cats?" I asked half joking. Clem only gave me a confused look. "Warrior Cats is a book I read a few years ago...just ignore that." I scratched my neck slightly embarrassed. 

"Yea lets bring it to the cauldron. Also you should tell me about this book you talk about, it seems very interesting." Clem suggested as I followed the one legged girl to the cauldron. Once I set the deer's corpse onto the ground Clem consumed me in another hug. Her hugs were so comforting, they made me feel so safe after years of living in fear.

"Hey Clem, may I tell you something? Just uh...please don't make anything awkward." I asked the girl. She nodded, and I continued on, "I like you...not like 'oh you're cool', I mean as in if the world wasn't in the apocalypse we currently are in, I would ask you out on a date." Despite everything in me wanting me to close my eyes in the case that she looks up at me and rejects me, I kept my eyes open and fixated on her.

"Wait really? I thought you didn't like me back after you left..." She looked up at me, confusion was obvious in her eyes. 

"I do...I do like you back...wait you like me?" Gosh this is confusing. 

"Yea...I do." She buried her face into my chest again, although I saw the blush that had begun to spread across her cheeks. 

"Well...would you like to be my girlfriend? Or is that moving to fast??" I anxiously asked, beginning to worry I was moving faster than Lightening McQueen. 

"I would love to be your girlfriend." Clementine replied, I could feel her smiling against me.

"I would love that." I smiled and closed my eyes. This is where I wanted to be.

Published: 11-23-21

Edited: 11-1-22

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