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HOLY CRAP 1K+ READS?! thank you so much guys- have a good day everyone!
TW: mentions of physical abuse, sexual abuse and trauma. Read at your own risk. I'll put a bold part saying when it will be mentioned. Skip until next bold alert.
(your pov still)
Sometimes it scared you. You saw yourself...younger self, of course, standing there, asking him to show you how he did it. You tried to keep a still face, you couldn't break now. They were gone, they weren't ever going to find you again. I mean, it's impossible...right? You left no tracks, nothing to go by, no it would be impossible.

You headed back with A.J. to the place you were warming up to calling "home". You shake that thought, staying in one place is dangerous and stupid. 'But they did it for so long...' your mind argues with you. You mentally sigh in annoyance. The voices in your head could never leave you alone.

They all had names but (author dearest is lazy :) ) you decided against trying to remember all of them. You know why they existed, it's because of the stupid walkers.

You made it back to the gate and A.J ran up to Clem and told her about your "awesome and cool" attack. It made you smile. You remembered something similar with your family...

(Flashback) (read at your own risk)

You ran up to your dad. "DAD! (b/n) [brothers name] just did the coolest thing! He jumped WITH his skate board! It's so cool!" You opened your eyes from the previously close eyes smile you were giving. He had left to go congratulate (b/n). Or at least that's what you thought at first.

You walked over to go see what he was saying to (b/n). You heard shouting and then, just as you peaked your little head around the fence, you saw the skateboard roll without (b/n). You then saw (b/n) on the ground, (F/N) [fathers name] standing over him with his hand raised.

You gasped in surprise. (F/N) turned and looked at you. Your eyes widened in surprise at the look he was giving you. You didn't have enough time to react before he came storming over to you, hands balled into fists.

Then he hit you. That was the first time your dad had hit you. It surprised you. Every man in your life turned to be the same. Abusive. But they were smart enough to hide it from people who could actually do something about it. Your dad did...Other....things as well to you. So did some of the others.

(end flashback)

You couldn't help the shiver that ran down your spine. Every time you remembered a memory you hated it. Every good thing is balanced out be an equally worse bad thing. Some were worse than others.

But for the time being that you stay at this place, you won't think of these things. Maybe good memories can gain the high ground of your mind here. After all, no one here seems bad, at least...not yet.

Thank you so much again for the support! if you have any ideas, requests, etc. let me know!

Published: 2021

Edited: 6-3-22

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