Off to the zones

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Sonic and tails both go check the rest of the forest out and find them selves in Pixel forest zone.Where there is no sign of badkniks anywhere this time.

Sonic:Look around tails there's not even one badknik in site in this forest.

Tails:Yea I guess this planet is perfectly normal.

Anouncer:sonic got through act 1

Sonic:Never say never tails.

tails:I didn't even say never.

Sonic:I know but I just mean like never asume something very early into a story.

Anouncer:sonic got through act 2

Tails:Sonic look at this place it has tons of water,but its our only way out.

Sonic:I guess if its our only way.

Tails:this place reminds me of water palace,doesen't it.

Sonic:it sure does.

Sonic got through act 1

5 min later

Sonic got through act 2

Sonic:weeeee well that was fun but I think we should get going now.

(Sorry for the short parts but its hard to come up with more storyline

And also I have many other things to get accomplished in life such as finishing my second minecraft sonic the blockhog map.So I hope you enjoy reading the next parts and stuff.


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