Tails:Hey Sonic look a mine let's go!
Radical Mine Zone act 1
Sonic:Whoa look at this place there's lava all over the place.
We got to be careful.
Tails:Hey Sonic look grinding rails I think they must of been used by people long ago.
Sonic go through act 1
Sonic:It looks like this place has been abondoned for thousands of years.
Tails:You can say that again.
Sonic:Yea that's for suuuuuuurrrrreeee(voice gets softer)(falls down trap door)
Splash!(sonic falls in water)
Vrrrrrrr(tails hovers down slowly)
Sonic:Hey tails what's that up ahead.
Tails:I think its a......
Sonic & Tails:Metal Sonic!
Metal sonic:And better than ever before.
Sonic:Hey Metal Head let's grind!
Radical Mine Zone act 2
Vs.Metal Sonic
Shhhhhhhhrrrrrrrr(sonic grinding)
Shhhhwooostttt(sonic passes through boost thing)
Metal Sonic:Slow down you stupid hedgehog.
Sonic:Slow down,ha that's not my style.
Metal Sonic:Well if you won't slow down I'll
Speed up.
Vvvrrrrrrrrrrooooooommmmmmm(starts using v maximum overdrive)
Sonic:Always remember not to go to fast.
(Jumps off grinding rail)
Metal sonic:Trying to trick me hedgehog that won't work on me(not looking were
He's going) I know all the tricks in the bo...
Bang!(hits wall in front of him)
Metal sonic:..ok
Sonic:always watch where your going.
Tails:hey sonic look this thing looks like one of the teloporters back in sky sancturary.
Sonic:it sure does well I guess were going up then.
(Jumps onto teloporter)
Vrrr vvrrrr vrrrrr vvrrrr pewwwww!
(Shoots sonic upwards into the sky)
Sonic the Blockhog
ActionJoin sonic and his adventures too a weird planet that is normal. but maby just maby isn't normal in looks.