Chapter 14. Eyes and Their Lies

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oh my god i didn't realize how long this scene was i'm so sorry y'all)

Stumbling upon a dead body was a surprisingly stressful experience. One would think this was obvious, but Makoto didn't expect to faint from the experience. Screaming? Sure, only natural. Fainting? That reaction wasn't shown in scary movies or crime shows at all. At first he had thought the corpse was fake, like one of those bad props in said horror films. Upon seeing his friend's horrified reaction, though, he knew it was real and promptly fainted out of shock beside them. Not before screaming first, though.

Anyone would scream if they saw the corpse of their classmate, a pool of their own blood formed around them. To top it off, his classmate's body had been in *his* bathroom of all places. To say it was a horrific sight was an understatement. Makoto wanted nothing more than to forget he ever saw it, yet he couldn't seem to get it out of his head. How did Leon even end up in there? Makoto's room had looked fine beforehand, no sign or clue pointing towards the scene lying in wait for him. How could he have been so oblivious?

These thoughts would plague Makoto for the rest of his life, however long that may be. Makoto's eyes suddenly shot open and he felt a cold sweat had manifested itself. No one had seemed to notice him wake up as his classmates were too busy anxiously murmuring amongst themselves. No doubt they're talking about Leon, he thought.

"You sure it was real? Leon's body?" Aoi asked, casting a nervous glance towards the door. She hadn't been able to see the scene due to Monokuma's request for the students to head to the gym immediately.

Sayaka nodded, making no effort to speak. She still couldn't believe the scream Makoto had let out truly belonged to him. The fear and pain his voice held in that moment shook her to her core. Not to mention how shattered Y/N looked. They had the same look that they had worn after watching the 'motivational video'. At the time, Sayaka hadn't registered just how much pain they were in, but now...all she could remember was the lost and scorned look in their eyes.

The teen idol was sure that their eyes were what made their expression in that moment so intense. Anyone could frown and grimace, but no one could imitate the emotions dancing in someone's eyes that well. It was the little things like the way their warm, (E/C) eyes had lost their hopeful look, instead only showing confusion and betrayal as they stared at Leon's body. Sayaka knew they were aware a classmate did it, and she hoped to every deity she knew of that Y/N would never find out the one behind the act was in the room with them.

Snapping Sayaka out of her thoughts, Yasuhiro suddenly clasped his hands together in fear and said what was on everyone's minds. "S-So that means someone here is like the one who killed him, doesn't it..!?"

"N-None of us would do that! ..Right?" Sayaka defended both her friend and herself. This wasn't part of her plan. She just..felt so overwhelmed with guilt that she acted before thinking. Would this remorse be her downfall?

Sayaka's eyes darted over to the brunet in question, leading a few to realize he had finally woken up. "Ah! One of you is awake!" Aoi shouted, drawing the attention of the whole class towards Makoto's direction. "Finally! Are you okay?"

     "Now's no time for sleeping. Get your ass up!" Mondo commanded, clenching his fist as he remembered earlier. He was one of the students who had to carry Makoto and Y/N to the gym, so he got a pretty good glimpse of the room.

     Makoto stared at him dumbfounded. "Huh...?" Isn't Y/N still asleep? Why am I getting yelled at? Of all the things he focused on, it was that. Gold star, Makoto.

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