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Yoongi POV

The hallways were bustling with people, even this late at night. Most likely in preparation for the winter festival the day after tomorrow. I dreaded the thought. Should I even go? Will I be seen as suspicious for not attending? My thoughts buzzed, but I was pulled out of them when I saw a passing man that I slightly recognized. I didn't know his name, but he was a knight. I had seen him around y/n a lot and wondered if he was her personal guard.

I told myself I wasn't going to say anything. I shouldn't say anything. But as if my entire body reacted without my mind's permission, I stopped the man. "Excuse me," I started.

The man slowed his set pace and looked at me in the eyes. "Yes, Sir Yoongi?"

He knew my name? He must be a personal guard for the princess to know of all her suitors. Good. "Are you a knight of the princess's?"

He nodded. "Yes, I am her personal guard."

"I heard rumors of an attempt on her life?" I questioned, not quite knowing what to say to learn more about her protection.

The knight paused for a moment. I had forgotten some of the other rumors I had heard: That the king and queen were denying anything had even happened. "The princess is safe under the knight's guard. We would never let anything happen to her." The guard responded evasively.

I shook my head, understanding that he wasn't allowed to say anymore. "So, she is well-watched over? Well protected?" I asked, feeling my pesky emotions rising up from the bottom of my stomach again.

The knight gave a soft smile. "Of course."

I cleared my throat, not wanting to give off the impression that I was so very concerned for her safety. "Very well then, thank you." I said with a more aloof tone than before. The knight nodded and began to walk away. "Wait," I stopped him once again, "What was your name?"

"Hoseok," he responded.

This time it was my turn to give him a nod, and we both continued walking in our opposite directions.

Hobi POV

What an odd interaction. Of course, being one of the suitors, he should be concerned for the princess's safety, but asked if she was being well protected and watched over as if something has yet to happen. Maybe he was just cautious. Maybe he just cared about her. I can relate.

Yoongi POV

I didn't really have a destination in mind for my stroll around the castle, but the hour had grown quite late, and the hallways were now vacant. Now that there were no curious eyes, I felt much more comfortable exploring the castle. I turned down a corridor that brought back many memories. Along the wall were the tall doors that lead into the ballroom where I had first met y/n.

I walked slowly, my hands folded behind my back until I reached the entry way, extending my hand and softly pushing the doors open. Because it was late, the ballroom was dark, but a few candles scattered around the room lit it dimly. It was eerie to walk in the now silent and still room that once held so many guests. I liked it, though. Then, I saw it. A grand piano sitting in the corner. I had not seen it the night of the ball due to the sheer amount of people in attendance, but now, there it sat in all its glory. Calling for me.

y/n POV

Your nights had been restless recently, so you frequently tossed and turned in hopes to get just a few hours of rest. But, that night, when you awoke ever so briefly to readjust yourself, you questioned your sanity. Was that... music? Your eyes flickered open and you rubbed them, your body telling you to lay back down, but your mind too curious too sleep. Now you were sure, you heard music coming from somewhere outside your door.

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