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Hey guys! I really loved writing this chapter I hope you enjoy!!🥺

y/n POV

Dinner had little to no appeal to you, but you still forced the food down remembering your friend's words. You wanted to build up your strength so you could still attend the winter festival tomorrow. You wanted to see Yoongi—to see all the boys.

It was late now. You remained lounging on the couch you had been placed on, fire still roaring after being stoked about an hour prior by the servants that brought your food. You flipped through a book that Noor had slipped you before they left, reading through the plot of two lovers forbidden from one another. You were tired, but not sleepy. It was nice to just sit and relax while your body tried to heal itself.

You turned yet another page when the door was pushed open gently. Your eyes flicked to the entrance to find Jin, curiously peeking in. A smile spread across you face as you dropped the novel in your lap. He looked around the room, not quite being able to locate where you sat. "Jin!" You sat up, his eyes finally landing on you.

He grinned and stepped into the room. "Is it alright if I visit? If you're resting, I can come back later..."

"No! Please stay."

His teeth showed again with one of his brilliantly handsome smiles as softly shut the door and walked over to where you sat. He pulled a chair closer to the fireplace and plopped down in it. "How are you feeling, y/n? I was so worried when I heard what happened I know I probably should let you relax but I just wanted to talk to you so badly."

His words were sweet and made your heart feel warm. "I'm fine, there's no need to worry."

He looked into your eyes longingly. "You really are one of the strongest people I've ever met."

You sighed; his handsome face illuminated with orange fire light on his right side. His features were so soft, so kind. And his words were just as loving. He was always so tender in with the way he carried himself. As if one word not spoken with the utmost benevolence would mean his downfall. He was perfect husband material. And honestly, would make an amazing king. So why didn't your heart yearn for his touch the way it did for Yoongi's? Yoongi was cold and fickle, the opposite of Jin—The opposite of what you ever could have predicted you would want.

Jin was the perfect man, and here he sat, right in front of you ready to be loved. "How are you here Jin?" Your words came out before your mind could proofread them, resulting in the vague question. His eyebrows furrowed and you continued to clarify. "I mean, how are you a bachelor? How has a perfect and beautiful woman not snatched you up? You are one of the kindest and most caring man I've ever come to know, yet you're here. I almost," You hesitated with your words. "I almost don't feel worthy."

His face softened at your words. He settled into his chair more. "Well, first off you are worthy of everything good in this world, y/n. You deserve every ounce of happiness, love, and beauty this life can muster. I consider myself lucky that I even got the chance to meet you."

Your heart pounded. It almost brought tears to your eyes. You concluded: even if he would never say it or never believe it, he was far too good for you. "Why do people believe I deserve so much in life? I have done nothing. I only have brought disappointment and burden to the lives that I've touched." Now, tears really did spill over your eyes. "I haven't earned any of this."

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