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OKOKOK sooooo this chapter is long ASF but lowkey shit goes down.👀😳

Unfortunately we are coming to the end of the book and I expect there to be just a few more chapters, but I hope you've loved the story so far!!! Please remember to vote and comment! Thanks so much for coming on this journey with me!


Jin ducked low to the ground and rushed across the hall you were passing through. He looked back to you and Yoongi and nodded. Yoongi's hand was placed firmly in the small of your back as the two of you followed Jin's lead. The three of you had grown closer to the greenhouse, your hopes silently raising that you would all make it to the stables safely.

As your trio weaved through corridors, dodging enemy soldiers and hiding behind corners, Yoongi had kept a hand on you at all times. Almost as if you would float away if he didn't touch you, he was always making sure you kept up with the two of them.

Anxiety coursed through your body, but at this point it was a familiar feeling. It was terrifying to know that around every blind corner could be the blade of a sword waiting to run you through. No amount of Yoongi's soft, sincere touches could remedy that fact.

There was a small flicker of hope in your core, though. Just a small flame at the time but seemed to grow larger and larger as you made it to the medical wing. This meant the greenhouse was only two or three halls away. It was odd, you hadn't seen anyone occupying the halls other than the enemy men you had avoided. No castle staff, no servants, not even the healers from the medical wing puttered back and forth in their work as you knew they typically did. The emptiness was eerie, but you knew that the siege on the castle must be the reason. No chance given for anyone to aid you. This could be achieved by rounding up all castle personnel and keeping them in one place.

You felt as if you were drowning in guilt knowing you would leave the ball guests and palace workers behind if you escaped, but you reasoned with yourself that they weren't the ones Lord Min and his councilor were trying to kill. They would have no reason to hurt the lords and ladies in attendance of the choosing ceremony, and wouldn't get rid of the people that kept the castle in such high standards of living right before they thought they were moving in. You knew your subjects were safe, but the feeling in the pit of your stomach remained.

Another wave of Jin's hand brought your thoughts back to the present moment. "We're close," you whispered.

"Wait--- for a moment, Jin," Yoongi whispered to the boy next to him. "Let y/n catch her breath."

"I'm fine," you hissed back. "We should keep going."

You only now recognized your heavy breathing. The worry and fear that consumed your bones and blood must be taking a toll on your stamina. In actuality, you were exhausted. You would not let that hold you back from freedom, though.

"Please, y/n. Just rest for a minute." Yoongi cradled your hand in his, rubbing thoughtless circles on the top of your knuckles with his thumb.

"We're so close, guys. I finally have some hope. I'm okay, let's continue."

Yoongi looked at you with concerned eyes, as did Jin, but they both gave slow nods once they heard the conviction in your voice.

"Alright then," Jin spoke. "Just a little bit farther, then we're a mere horse ride from safety."

Jin's stare fixated on your eyes for a moment, then for a second he looked at your hand enveloped in Yoongi's. You watched as his lips twitched so slightly you could have easily missed it. Your heart ached. You loved Jin, and you hated seeing him taunted by Yoongi's hold over you. But a "hold" is just what it was. Yoongi had a tight grasp around your heart, and for one reason or another you couldn't imagine not being with him. You loved Jin, but just not the way you loved Yoongi.

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