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Yoongi's POV

I sat, my body involuntarily shaking. I sniffed, by body still feeling a little sick from my unexpected dip in the icy stream this afternoon. I had been well received after saving the princess, though. A hot bath and new clothes were immediately ordered by one of y/n's older attendants.

But my councilor had requested to meet, presumably after he heard the news of my heroics. I knew he would be livid. He was going to ask why I didn't let her drown. It would save quite a bit of work for my father ultimately. So, my body continued to shake from a mixture of a touch of sickliness, and a hint of absolute terror.

I reflected on why I had done it. It would have been so easy to just do nothing. I could have just ridden away and pretended like I had never seen anything. It would have been an accident. That younger boy, Jungkook, wouldn't have made it to her in time and she would have just slipped away into the dark clutches of death. But unfortunately, my entire body revulsed at the idea of losing her.

It was my own fault that I was even in that situation. After all, it wasn't a coincidence that I was nearby. When I had saw the princess pass my window from above the garden's paths, I watched as she entered the horse stable with Jungkook. I immediately felt jealous. So, I decided I would keep an eye on the two. From a distance, of course, but just close enough to make sure nothing happened I didn't like.

That's when I saw her fall. There was a split second of a million thoughts. All of the horrible and disgusting temptation of allowing her to die. I was sickened by my own thoughts. After what felt like a lifetime, but in reality, was probably less than a second, I had made the decision that would change the rest of history. Before I realized the repercussions of what I was doing, I was already racing towards the black water.

Jungkook was crying as I pulled her out. I felt bad for him, but my mind was whirling from the effects the temperature had on me. I could hear him plea from behind me, asking if she would be okay. I honestly didn't know, but I saw her stir slightly. My heart raced. She was alive. I had the strongest urge to lean in and kiss her. To hold her as tight as I could. I never wanted to lose her. But I knew I had to get her back to the castle.

And that's how I found myself awaiting a lecture from my least favorite person in the world: my father's councilor. I sat for a few more minutes before the sound of fast and hard footsteps made themselves apparent from outside my room.

The door flew open and he stormed in, his red face tangled with anger and confusion. Just as fast as the doors had opened, they were slammed shut behind him. His wild eyes met mine and he approached me. Before I could even prepare myself, he slapped me. It stung, and naturally made my eyes water, but I had been met with worse.

"You fucking idiot boy." He hissed, obviously having to keep his voice down as so no one would know his displacement with the saving of the princess. "What the hell was going through your mind? She was going to die! It would have been taken care of!" I held the side of my face that was surely marked red. He paced around the room, as if to disentangle all of the confusing information he had been fed.

"I wasn't thinking." I mumbled. I was a coward. If I was a real man, I would tell him that I loved her. That I couldn't live without her and that I absolutely loathed him. But the fear that my father instilled in me was powerful.

"You weren't thinking?" He responded in a mocking tone. "You can't do anything right can you? You're too foolish, too stupid, too unworthy to ever take the throne after you father." His words made my blood boil. I could feel heated anger rise in my throat and ripple through every part of my body. My muscles tensed. He stopped his pacing and turned to look me right in the eye. "All for that whore this kingdom calls a princess." He spat.

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