Falling in love with a child to the next level🦁💙💙🧑🏾🍴🍴🍝

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Poseidon's POV

As I see that is Darwin and I are in the same position from last night.

I had a good 😌 time i moved him slowly so I won't be able to wake him up so I went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

First I showered 🧼, Second I put on some nice deodorant then put on some clothes, Third I finally did my hair while.

I was combing and brushing my hair I put it in a smooth half up half down man ponytail to get it out of the way for now.

When I got out of the bathroom I see Darwin is still asleep.

I quietly walk to the kitchen so I can make breakfast for me and him perfect.

I'll made scrambled eggs on Toast.

 Done now I can give him one of them to him I walked back to the room

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Done now I can give him one of them to him I walked back to the room.

I put the plate on the chair quietly and then gently shaken him up from his slumber saying it quietly to his face with some space

Poseidon: hey did you sleep well today?

Darwin: yeah' what about you

Poseidon: me too thank you for asking, Darwin are you hungry

Darwin: yes do you have scrambled eggs for breakfast

Poseidon: yes I do there right here

I gestured my finger to the chair that is beside me.

I handed the plate to him he picks the right side of the plate and eats it

Darwin: mmmmmmm I love it this is so good 😊

Poseidon: thanks we go somewhere tonight

Darwin: yay 😃 where is it?

Poseidon: it's a surprise after school 🏫 you're going to have a lot fun with me

Darwin: Kay Kay I'm so excited for this what should I wear

Poseidon: a nice orange outfit for the surprise Will take you to the school today when it's done for the day.

I will come over to your house and pick you up.

Darwin: what time do you want me to meet you?

Poseidon: how about 3:00 🕒 sharp be ready on that time for me okay?

Darwin: Kay Kay I'm going to do my best for being ready to go to see the surprise

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