what comes next?

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Americas POV

I park the car and sigh. This was my step-brother, New Zealand, and my Step-sister, Australia's house. New Zealand had an girlfriend and Australia was single, though she claims her pet spider, Wilson, is her boyfriend. I grab a drawstring bag from the passenger side   of the car. Inside was a suit and heels. I always brought this just incase i forgot to put on nice clothes when going to an world meeting. I stuff the bag in the diaper bag and hop out of the car. I unbuckle Hawaii and she grabs the stuff animal off the floor and runs to the door step. I unbuckle D.C and put her on my hip. I walk up and knock on the door. I hear a clunk as if someone fell down the stairs or off the couch.

The door opens and Australia has a bruised eye. "What happened?" I ask. "Funny story.. Wilson got out and scared New Zealand so he got mad and punched me" She answers. I shrug and she invites me in. Hawaii hugs her legs and lectures her about being safe with spiders, but Australia didn't understand a word she said because she mixed Hawaiian with English. New Zealand come down stairs and asks to hold D.C I give her to him and play with Hawaii. Then New Zealand comes down stairs with his girlfriend. I never met her and he barley mentions her name. She sits next to me and starts talking "New Zealand told me about your states. I do think you are a hero for being able to care for them all." "I never got your name." i said glancing at her. " Oh My name Belarus (My ship don't yall go hatin) and your America?" Belarus answers. I nod and New Zealand hands me the cooing D.C. He sits in the chair in front of me and crosses his legs. " SO why are you here?" He asks. " Long story short I had a fight with Canada and he said some... really hurtful stuff like your a bad mom. So I said you can parent for the week and grabed my youngest two so whatever happened they didn't get hurt." I answer. Hawaii got ahold of something in the kitchen and I look over and shes comping fists full of sugar. "Australia, Hawaii got your sugar." I finally say.

Australia was an good cook and couldn't stand when someone ate sugar or flour plain. It was funny watching her chase Hawaii around as the toddler tried protecting the sugar from her. "Canada never yells ever, let alone calls people insults." Kiwi said trying to figure out what i'm not saying.

Canadas POV

Day 2

The little demons got ahold of alcohol and where trying to drink it while running. SO far 4 states out of the 10 who got the alcohol dropped down drunk. I finally corner them and take it away. Florida's crying in the corner, West Virginia was playing with Ohio, Virginia was reacting Hamilton with New York, Washington, Utah, North and South Carolina, and Maine. California and Nevada where playing Uno. Texas was trying to cheer Florida up. I see Louisiana sweating as he's trying to make food for 63 different  people.  Kentucky was throwing KFC at Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and Alabama are missing. Idaho, Organ, Montana, and Wyoming where  trying to flood the bathrooms so they could make a pool. It went on and on with things being crazy. The I see someone America never told me about. She had long hair that glowed pink and purple. She had freckles ne her face  and if you looked at the closely they where little stars. She looked around her 20s. She had an black and white dress on, on top of the dress she had a jacket with different patches on it. 

"IM BACK BITCHES!" she screamed. States stared swarming around her and she patted everyone of them on the head. "While I'm back no fighting, screaming, or killing each other okay? Or im going to hit you with my heels. Okay?" she said. " I walk up to her and she rolls her eyes. "One who are you? Two, I'm in charge of this house so don't roll your eyes at me." I say crossing my arms. " One, The names Nasa, I'm 16 years old. Two, you have no ownership of this house. You actually are at the bottom of the list right after D.C. Confederate is in control of this house so i don't give and shit on what you say!" She walks off and enters the room next to mine. I see toys getting thrown out of the room. Then I see a bra flying out into the hall way, And let me say that was weird.  

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