(I got this Idea from @ThePsychopath7, I did not copy them but I got the idea to make this from them. Im going to do it in Alphabetical order its going to be bad since I have never done a Headcanon before)
Alabama seems like a nice person but if you get on her bad side she will call her Foursome, Aka, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and herself. She gets emotionally hurt easily which will result in her crying or killing.
Alaska didn't talk much but when she did in was never a complaint but a compliment. She loves her younger sisters Hawaii and Guam, and if she's feeling nice that day she would give Florida a hug. Only a Few states have seen Alaska furious and have learned not to get on her bad side. Besides Hawaii and Guam she liked talking to California and Washington(State). Her powers was she could look at something an make it ice.
Arizona was a nice boy when it came to manners and politeness in the Washington Household.( Sorry behind it was America couldn't find out a name for D.C so she named her D.C Washington D.C. All the States last names where Washington D.C but they just shortened it to Washington they call Washington state Wash) Even if he kind of hated California for touching him and catching him on fire at times he still loved her. He liked talking with New Mexico and Utah about random crap. His powers was shape shifting.
Arkansas was a complete mess. She hated her brother Kansas and wont hesitate to try killing him. She likes to hang out with Wyoming. She liked cooking with her brother, Louisiana. Her powers are moving things with her mind.
California tried to be normal but always failed when she catches on fire. She catches fires every day, some more insane then others. She hung out with Texas alot, usually telling Texas not too do something stupid. She didn't have powers.
Colorado was the state that was favorited by all the older female states. Why? Guess its something to do with periods. He was a quiet kid and loved playing "Try not to die" with Missouri. He likes reading books in small spaces aka the closet, and Watching Texas shoot her gun. Colorado's power is being able to mute someone.
Connecticut is a sleep deprived fuck. She was sassy and always staring at her phone, she hated everyone and everyone hated her, the only states that she liked and liked her back was Pennslvainnia cause they enjoyed talking about how stupid boys are.
Delaware was that sibling you love but would never cross. He was protective of his siblings but would never think it twice before yelling at them. Pennslvainnia was his favorite sibling because she was with him longer then he could think of it. He had a hate/love relation ship with Nasa but they could agree on one thing, and that was heels make a great child smacker.
Florida was the definition of a mood swing. She's a happy AD/HD crazy kid and the next thing you know it she a depressed fuck. Texas and North Carolina are the only ones who can calm her down when she's having a panic attack. When's she is happy she's that sibling you love to hang out with and want to play pranks with, but when she is sad she's that sibling you don't know how to talk to or even start a conversations. Texas is her idle and her favorite siblings, if you see Florida Texas is some where near. She cant see the color red and yellow, to her they are just black. Her powers are Teleportation.
West Florida (Aka Evil Florida, or just Florida)is the girl who doesn't give a crap about what you think. Say something and she will stop you to tell her opinion. She doesn't Care about anyone Besides North Carolina, who she's quiet fond of. She will shoot you just for the fun of it and watch you slowly die laughing. Her powers are Stealing powers from others.
(Ill make more I just wanted to get something out)
Bye my little blood suckers
Sixty-four Little Trouble Makers
FanfictionAmerica, most call her USA, Is a single hardworking mom of 64. Wait no one knows about her kids? To everyone around her she is just lazy selfish person who cares for no one around her but herself. What happens when her siblings find out about her c...