Flash back 11

187 4 3

(What Natives Scars looked like, The black was from it too. Ik my art work is crappy)

Native woke up quietly, feeling herself not being able to move her body. When she looked forwards, she saw ropes around her body as she laid on a mattress on the floor. She turned her head and saw Spanish sleeping across the tent from her, she then became angry she couldn't move. "Ꮹ Ꭴ Ᏺ Ꮝ! (Wake up you stupid ass)" Native yelled at Spanish who was startled awake. "Good morning too you Ms. grump." Spanish mumbled, getting up and stretching "Gadono am Ꭲ in ropes?" (Why am I in ropes?) "You have been out for three nights, had horrible nightmares or something, you were thrashing around and I was scared you would hurt yourself, France also almost had a heart attack when it started storming accouple nights ago, she came in the tent with both of us." Spanish said, standing up and walking towards the exit. "Well, are you going to untie me or just look at me?" Native asked.

"Well, If I untie you now, you wont kill me. Or I could leave you here and you will murder me, hmmm. Bye darling~" And with that, Spanish left the tent. Native rolled her eyes and looked around her for something sharp to use for the ropes and found a little knife under the bed, she used her mouth to grab it and cut through the ropes. She got up and stretched, pulling the loose ropes off and putting as hand in her stomach, that when she looked at  her arm in surprise. Part of her hand was black and yellow scars ran up her arm, thats when she thought of France and walked out, seeing France sitting my the fire. France had been holding Spain in her lap as he played with a wooded  horse, Cherokee was putting sticks in the fire, and Spanish was hiding in a tree, everything seemed normal.

France then turned around and Native almost passed out, on Frances right hand was black from her fingertips to her wrist, unlike Natives was from her fingertips almost to her elbow. Native looked down at her hand and broke down in tears, she couldn't control what emotions she was feeling, Confused, scared, sad, happy, disgusted, and so many more. France then looked worried and stood up, putting Spain to the side, she walked up to Native and patted her back, not understanding what was wrong. Native then put her hand on Frances forehead and quietly whispered something, still have tears running down her face.

 France wasn't understanding anything that was happening and stood completely still, scared to make Native angry and get hurt, she already seen what Native could do to things. France then saw the world becoming blurry, but she didn't feel dizzy, which meant she wasn't going to pass out. Everything was soon black and something was playing in her head, a memory. This memory was from a day earlier.

Flash back 1 day, Frances POV.______________________________

I woke up to the horrible screeches from a person, at first I though Native was having her child, but remembering she was only 6 months into her pregnancy. I got off the stiff ground and untied the tents flaps that opened and closed, the first thing I saw was Cherokee and Spain sitting nervously in front of Natives and Aunt Spanish's tent, Spain had tear marks on his face and Cherokee  just looked worried. I heard another horrifying scream,  then saw Aunt Spanish get thrown through the tents side. She had marks on and down her body looking like she had been in a fight, and not a light one. I then saw something that scared the living souls out of me. Native was standing, correction, Floating, at the area were she had thrown Aunt Spanish out of. The problem was she looked different, one of her eyes was completely black and the other was completely white, her hair was floating out of thin air and her arms were black.  She was wearing a creepy smile across her face, it looked like she had just murdered multiple people. I could tell this was not her, because she would have never hurt Aunt Spanish in a million years.

'Native' then turned her head to me and turned her creepy smile into a soft one, she the spoke. "All she was doing was helping you, the you took it! You took half the life from America! It won't be a surprise if her offspring is dead." 'Native' said quietly, tears running down her face. She turned to Spanish and grew angry, something then happened to her, her eyes slowly returned to normal and yellow lines started glowing from her skin, she then fell onto the ground, vines started wrapping around her legs and feet, pulling her into the ground. I looked down and Spain and Cherokee stood at my feet, looking up at me, they were scared. I picked them up and looked up seeing my aunt with a knife, cutting vines off of Natives body.  

"What was that..." I asked softly, looking at my aunt.  "France, if you knew you would be scared of Native for life, Just don't worry about it..." my aunt said, picking up Natives limp body. "Well something has to do with me and this black hand!" I yelled back, frustrated she still was treating me like I was 3.

"France, she did something when she was 3, I don't know, but she has two souls in her body, okay? And you? I don't know what you did, but you have something with her "Powers" she did something to you on accident I don't know what..." She then turned around and went into the broken tent, putting Native down and grabbed rope from under the bed, tying her down. I looked at my hand and sighed, I felt scared I hurt Native some how.


Native removed her hand from Frances head and took a step back, she looked ashamed and afraid. "Native.... why is my hand black....?" France asked, putting her hand in eye view. "France, something happened.... I don't know what, but you did something, when I tried healing you, you did something with power I was using....." Native said, staring down at her hands in disgust. 

"Let me get this straight, my hand is black because I took part of your soul?" France said said, looking at her hand, scared. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Native grabbed Frances hand and whispered, "Im sorry, I didn't mean to, I put you in a situation that you didn't get involved in.." France just laughed, "You think you hurt me? This had been one of the most awesome things to happen to me!" France laughed, wrapping her arms around Native.


Present day.

France sighed and collapsed into a chair next to her husband. He looked at her and laughed  "What's wrong with you?" France glared at him then looked her shoes off, throwing them to the side. "Someone today got into a argument about Pizza and drew me into it, it soon turned into a fight about food after someone insulted croissants." France said, grabbing her gloves and pulling them off. Britain put his hand out, waiting for France to hold it. "If you think I'm going to smother you in love, you might just go be jumping off London bridge." France said, putting her hand in front of her, she smiled when she saw the black on her right hand, Britain looked at it and laughed.

"I still find it funny how you look at you hand for hours a day" France looked at him and threw her shoe at him. "It brings back good memories okay? You should thank it, if it wasn't for this hand, we would have never met." France said, softly, grabbing Britain's hand and humming. "Now you hold me hand." Britain said Grumpily, looking at the forest next to him, smiling at his surroundings. 

"France, you met Native right? Tell me a bit about her."

{Not edited}

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