Tension, Part 2

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They drove off from the parking lot out into the busy city street; full of cars and the gleam of street lights passing them as they drove on. (YN) had a feeling in her chest, almost a feeling of warmth flushing through her body; a feeling of serenity. (CN) was driving as (YN) sat in the drivers seat, hiding her flushed face while looking out the window. Her playlist was playing as they drove down the street and stopped at a busy stop light. In the front of the lane, (CN) rolled down the front windows and turned up the music. Being shy and not really wanting the attention and looks from people, (YN) became more flushed and looked out the window. Although, feeling secure, they looked at one another and bumped to the music. 
The light turned green, and they drove on. (CN) parked somewhere in a cul de sac in the neighborhood they were in. 
"Where do you wanna eat?" (CN) asked as (YN) was still mildly flushed from earlier. Looking at (CN) with a fragile face, she muffled "I-I'm not sure. I'll probably just take whatever you decide on." 
They debated back and forth on what to eat, and finally came to a conclusion; McDonald's McNuggets. (CN) went through the drive through and ordered a 20 piece to split, and drove off again into a random cul de sac to eat and relax to music. Chatting, eating, and vibing to music is what is up.
After finishing up, they both chugged down some water and continued to chatter. 
"Hey, (YN), can I take you somewhere I was wanting to take you to? You're going to love it. Trust me." (CN) suggested as he placed one hand on the steering wheel and one on her thigh, grinning. (YN) looked at her feet then back to his (EC) glowing eyes. Those eyes had a gentle luster to them that always attracted (YN)'s attention.
"S-sure, you can. I have all night." She muttered as she tripped over her tongue. 
(CN) smiled happily. "Alrighty then.."
He drove off into the young night and drove into the nearby hills that they lived nearby. (YN) lived in a neighborhood somewhere in those hills. He parked at the top of a hill with the city night lights in view. Priceless.
The street they were on was dark and only was dimly lit by the street lights above. (YN) changed her playlist to her chill playlist. They were alone in the hills. 
Looking at the view, (YN) and (CN) chattered back and forth for a while, talking about almost anything that came to mind. 
"I guess now we can.. relax." (CN) muffled softly as undid his seatbelt and reclined his chair.
The two of them looked at each other in the eyes. 

The tension...
(YN) looked at him and smirked. She knew exactly she was gonna do. Looking around outside to make sure no one was around, (YN) went in for the kill. Very carefully, she undid her seatbelt and gently crawled into (CN)'s lap. Looking into his eyes, she noticed he was immediately becoming flushed in the face and became mildly flustered at her touchy acts.
"What are you-" He muffled but was cut off by (YN)'s lips attacking his; immediately shutting him up. It seems as if they melted into one another's presence, as (CN) ran his hand gently through her hair and the other on the small of her back, eventually getting closer to her butt. Seeing he was in the clear, he gave it a light squeeze.
(YN) gasped under her breath, but still wanted to be the one in charge. She tugged on the collar of his sweatshirt, signaling for him to remove the garment. Going with the flow, he took her message and did so. He laid there bare chested with (YN) in his lap.
"God, I know you still like act it when I'm too shy to do anything..." She whispered as she ran a hand down his chest. (CN) growled under his paced breathing, and became excited by her words, maybe too excited... and (YN) noticed.
She kept going, nibbling on his right earlobe, down his neck leaving faint love bites, and down to part of his chest, where she left a large love bite. (YN) marked her territory. 
They made out a little more, until (YN) heard her phone buzz. 
She looked, and it was her dad. 
"Where are you?"
She got off (CN)'s lap and he put his sweatshirt back on. 
"I'm out with (CN). I'll be back soon though."
"Alright, stay safe."
(YN) sighed, knowing she had to back home soon. 
"Well, I guess I gotta go now. My dad doesn't really want me to be out super late." She sighed looking out the window and back at (CN).
He too, sighed. "I guess I can take you back.."
"Yeah sure I guess so.."
Driving back they chattered and admired the night life of the city. The city seemed to sprout a new life, a new vibe, and new perspective at night.
He made it to (YN)'s house. "Here."
(YN) blushed. "Thanks for.. everything tonight. I appreciate a ton. I can tell you were a bit hasty." 
(CN) smirked. "Yeah, I was a bit. But we're saving that for another time." He winked. 
(YN) smirked back and kissed him. "I guess I'll see you soon then." She said with a sly tone. Getting out of the passenger's seat, she made her way to the door and back home. Home sweet home. 

Ayoo more stories coming soon. ;) I need inspo so send me some.

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