Take My Hand, Part 2

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The week went by fast, and (YN) got a dark blue dress, that was most beautiful thing she laid her eyes on. It fit perfectly, just as if it was tailored for her.

Friday came in a flash. (YN) went through her days, every class, and working on all her things so she didn't need to do them after the dance. The bell rang at 3pm, and all the students went to thier lockers, and left to go home.

At 6pm, (YN) came back to school, to find her partner, (CN). She noticed all her friends were already in the auditorium, with thier boyfriends.

(YN) looked around, but she couldn't find (CN). "Is he late? Did he forget about me? Did he not even bother to show up? Well, I guess I should keep searching for him....." (YN) thought to herself.

*Legit (YN) searching for (CN) for 10 minutes all over school*

(YN) went into the auditorium and found (CN) by the table of sweets. He was munching on some fancy little chocolate. 
"Hey (CN)! I found you. I was looking for you for 10 minutes."
"Oh sorry, I saw these chocolates and I thought they looked good..... and they sure were. Want one?" (CN) handed (YN) one of the little morsels. She took a nibble, and loved the intense flavor, and soon finished it.
(YN) and (CN) sat down at one of the tables, and chatted about stuff. Soon, they announced it was time to dance. "Take my hand (YN), she took his hand and started to dance. (FN) was slow dancing with her boyfriend, watching (YN) slow dance with (CN). (YN) didn't feel any butterflies in her stomach, but she felt awkward tension due to the fact she rarely slow danced, and they weren't even talking. Just blankly dancing.

After a few minutes, (YN) stared to go with the flow, and she noticed (FN) glance over every once in a while, to see how (YN) and (CN) were doing. It wasn't really awkward anymore, since (CN) sprouted a conversation.
On the announcements, they called (YN) and (CN) into the middle of the dance floor to tango. They went there, all eyes on them. The song "Locked Away" by R City and Adam Levine stared playing. (YN) started slow, but (CN) dove into it fast. (YN) felt a wave of nervousness splash over her.
She ignored the crowd, but she could faintly hear (FN) cheer her on.

They danced, the crowd cheering them on, and (CN) loved all the good attention he was getting.
The end of the song was near, like really close. (CN) suddenly leaned (YN) back, holding her by one hand on her back, and one on the back of her head. Hi looked into (YN)'s eyes and smiled at her, making her softly blush. He started to get closer, and closer, and closer. The lyrics sung "Would you still love me the same?" At that moment, (CN) leaned in, closed hus eyes, and kissed (YN) softly on her delicate lips right at that moment. The crowd went "WHOOOOOOO!!! YEAH!!"

(FN) was screeching on the top of her lungs like a fangirl. "MY OTP!!!" She yelled. (YN) blushes deeply, closed her eyes, and felt the kiss flush over her. (CN) unlocked the kiss, and whispered to (YN) "Would you still love me the same if I showed you my flaws?" (YN) broke into happy tears, and said "I would (CN) I would!" She grabbed him and hugged him tight. The crowd let out a loud "Awwwww."

After the party, (CN) took (YN) to Baskin Robins, to get her an ice-cream. "I'll have one small vanilla." She told the cashier. They paid for their ice cream, ate it, and enjoyed the rest of the evening. They sat at a table and ate thier ice cream. (YN) got a text from (FN). Here was the conversation.

(FN): Hey the party is over. Where you at?
(YN): Baskin Robins.
(FN): Alone? Are you with (CN)?
(YN): Oh I'm with (CN).
(FN): When you guys were doing the tango, why was the crowd awwing at the end?
(YN): Um well, he, kissed me.
(YN): Yeah! I'm not joking. You can even ask him.
(FN): Nice! Enjoy the rest of the evening with him.
(YN): Don't worry, I will.

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