Night Out, Part 1

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Hello, I'm back from my super long hiatus of almost 3 years. I decided I didn't want to leave you guys hanging anymore so I'm going to attempt to write some more for ya'll. :)

So a little context for this story, (CN) goes to a car meetup with her friends and sees their crush there. 

(YN) half awake heard the faint sound of the alarm of her phone ringing, getting louder as she gained consciousness. Her eyes opened slowly still wanting to close feeling very heavy. She turned the alarm off on her phone by tapping it. 
"Its early for this." She groaned to herself as she turned her alarm off. 
"8:15 am" read the time on her lock screen. A Saturday morning. Then it hit her; tonight is going to be the night of her life. She's going with a few friends to a car meetup, and of course, (CN) was as well. However, they were going in different cars.
(YN) rolled out of bed, made her bed, and brushed her back and put it in a messy bun, while pondering about what to make for breakfast. She made her way to the the bathroom with the lovely scent of coffee lingering in the hallway from the kitchen. (YN) pondered about scenarios about what could happen tonight; this was the first time she was going to see (CN) there. The different ideas played back and forth through her head like a song on repeat, but felt like she was listening to it for the first time. Some of these thoughts... a little rated R. As she was in her trance, she pondered at the loose change, a lip-gloss tube, and a few hair ties scattered from the night before. Snapping out of it, she looked at herself in the mirror.
"You're going to have a good time tonight. Don't worry about anything, (YN), you'll be fine." she pointed at herself in the mirror saying that with a soft affirming tone. This wasn't something she didn't do usually. Some of her friends didn't think she'd go to these things, because sometimes these events bring trouble. However, she had the select few who encouraged het to go because of (CN).
That damn name, (CN). The way it rolls off the tongue was enough to give (YN) chills and a heart skip. Her friends always thought he was a bit on the misfit side, but that's what made (YN) fall for him. Despite coming off edgy at first, he had his soft and gushy side, which (YN) loved and thought it was the perfect blend of sour and sweet. 
Washing her face and finishing up her bathroom business, getting dressed, and so forth (YN) headed to the kitchen.
"Bacon and eggs, bacon and eggs, bacon and eggs." She repeated to herself, hungry. The pleasant scent of coffee was stronger in the kitchen and the warm rays of sunshine through the kitchen window was a comforting early morning pleasure. 
*15 minute time skip because I'm lazy to write about about (YN) making breakfast*

Her parents were both out at work, and her siblings went out early that morning to run errands. Luckily, they left her some fresh coffee. (YN) had a thing for coffee. She grabbed a fresh hot cup of coffee, sat down, and ate breakfast as she scrolled through her social medias. 

*10 minute time skip again because (YN) is just eating and that's self explanatory* 

(YN) headed back to her room to finish any lingering work she had to complete before going out tonight. She grabbed several textbooks and sat down at her desk. Lofi hip hop was playing in the background softly as she fiddled with her pen in her hand thinking of answers to her homework. High school - what a different ball game than middle school. Faster paced, more work, and more stress. The only relief from this stress was.. her friends and (CN). The thoughts of him still replayed in her head, even the rated R ones. Shrugging it off, she pursued with her homework as lofi played in the background. At every hard question, she looked through her books and occasionally nibbled at the tip of her pen as she got distracted from reality. 

*1 hour later of finishing homework, we know how that goes* 

After finishing up her lingering work, it was about 10:30 am and she went into her closet, still thinking about tonight. That was the only thought she had in her head, (CN), having fun,  a whole night out. (YN) still nervous, despite the numerous times her and (CN) hung out doing all sorts of things; movie nights, mall walks, ect. 
In her closet was a lot of clothes, but yet had no idea what to wear? Tube top? Sweatshirt? Hoodie? So many options, so little time. 
In the end, she picked out a slightly oversized sweatshirt she got last Christmas, some skinny jeans, and a pair of classic vans. You can never go wrong with a cult classic pair of vans.  
She checked her phone, and got a text from (FN).
"The event is at 9pm. Don't be late like last time." 
"I know lol, I finished my work this morning so we should be fine."
(YN) put her phone away, and finished any lingering work she had around the house. Feed the dog, take the trash out, put laundry away.. the list can go on. 

*2 hours before the event because I'm lazy to write every little thing.*

Her phone buzzed; a text from (CN). Nervous to open it, (YN) clicked the message.
"I hope you don't mind but I'm taking a few friends and you're probs gonna need a ride because I don't have enough room in my car."

(YN) was surprised that he was taking friends, since she thought he was going by himself, with her.  However, (YN) knew some of his friends and thought it would be fine. 
"That's fine lmao they're chill."

(YN) continued getting ready, putting things away, took a shower, and put a little makeup on. Grabbing a mini backpack, she took her wallet and a few other little necessities. 
(FN) texted her saying they're going to be on their way at she has to be ready to go. She went to her living room, telling her family she's going out tonight with (FN). (YN)'s dad, who went to these types of events when he was her age, wished her luck.
"Have fun (YN). Stay safe, and don't do anything dumb. Also, if cars start doing donuts, get some footage for me!" her dad chuckled.
"Don't worry dad, (FN) is driving. She's licensed." (YN) affirmed.
"Alrighty, have fun!"

Checking her phone, (FN) popped up. "I'm outside."
She walked out of her door, seeing (FN) in the driver's seat of a black BMW. "Get in loser, we're going to a car meetup." 
(YN) smiled, and ran up to the passengers seat, while other friends were in the back welcoming (YN). 
"We've missed you, holy shit. Haven't seen you in a hot minute." 
"Yeah I've just been busy catching up with work, you know the vibe."
"Feel you there." (FN)'s friend in the back handed her the aux. "Here, play some bangers."
"Thank you, you won't regret." She put on her aux playlist, listening and chatting with friends while driving down the street as faces pass by with the glimmer of street lights. Other cars zooming by, going in the same direction. Of course, the thought of (CN) still looping in her head...

Stay tuned for part 2 ;)

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