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Yo if my writing style changed my bad my bad but like i still got jokes so hope u enjoy. Also comments pass the vibe check hard core y'all got me bustin LUNGS. -also happy bday kacchan.

"On GOD if I come back to work tomorrow and I see my motherfuckin' flowers ruined one more time somebody 'finna catch these HANDS."

(M/n ) was pissed. He pouted, and the twitch in his eye just didn't seem to go away. His co-workers slowly backed away from him, hands held up in front of them in the universal gesture of 'please don't blame me I come in peace.'

The day started like any-other with (m/n) waking up early with the sun like he usually does, putting on the fresh drip of a baggy hoody and his favorite jeans that makes his ass look GREAT, with the shoe game on point. You'll never catch him slippin. Following his usual morning routine and then heading out to work catching the bus and hopping on the last minute.

The bus ride was uneventful, thankfully.
(M/n) hopped off at his stop and made his way back to the flower shop, pep in his step. The day was starting off pretty good, and his mood was optimistic. Little daisy chains and dandelions unknowingly sprouted with each step he took, growing in between and alongside the cracks in the sidewalk behind him. Magical as fuck you know the drill.

He was opening up the shop again this week, in-charge with the boss out of town on some fall flower Japanese convention going on in the countryside that "I absolutely cannot miss (m/n)! You're temporarily bossman!! See you at the end of the weekend!!!"  And just like that, he was put in charge.

'Man I really just wanna play Minecraft and think about cute boys *cough*katsuki-kun*cough* why do I gotta do work. S a d' (m/n) thought to himself as he unlocked the shop and got set for the day, putting on his apron and making sure everything was in order. He said a brief hi to each of his co-workers as they clocked in, and walked to the back of the shop to regrow some arrangements, leaving the watering of plants and checking the cash register to them.

Everything was going great. The flowers in his hands bloomed beautifully, soft petals delicately brushing against the back of his hands. The soft floating  beams of light from the morning sun cast across his workstation, illuminating the dust particles in the air, making them look like flecks of gold. He took a deep breathe, inhaling the earthy sent of the room. Focusing on the bouquet in his hands and using his quirk, he added volume, making the wilting flowers renewed and thriving.

"Damn, I really do be the Master chef of flowers. Might as well call me Remy the rat." He said out loud to himself, in the zone and tying off a bouquet.
Just as he was going to reach for another ribbon, the sound of the door to the backroom slamming open gathered his attention.

(M/n) jumped out of his seat at the table, hands jerking up and sharp vines and thorns erupting from the rose in his right hand, cutting into the skin of the palm of his hand.

"HOLY MOTHER OF TITS!" He shouted in suprise, left hand over his quickly beating heart.

Aiko, water-can girl, stood at the door, quirk activated and appearance disheveled.

"Outside! The flower trays and display! They've all been destroyed!" She exclaimed, distress in voice.

"What!? Again?" (M/n) responded, following her as she led the way back towards the front of the shop. He ignored the stinging cuts in his hand, deciding to worry about them later. He instead thought about the previous week, when he last saw the smashed flowers that sat on the window sills outside.

The front of the shop was completely wrecked, flower displays shattered on the ground with dirt and petals scattered around. Broken shards of pottery interspersed with it. Not even the flowers hanging from the overhang in front of the door remained, fallen and stepped on. Hinato, (guy with dirt-hair quirk) was wearing his usual hairnet, broom in hand and trying to clean up what he could.

(m/n) frowned, eyebrows furrowed at the sight. He crossed his arms, and took in a slow deep breathe. This was the third time something happened to the shop. he let out a slow exhale, and-

"Seriously, the first time was weird, but I brushed it off as an accident, second time? Okay the property damage ain't cool. But a third time?!? wHaT the HELL MAN.  It's a goddamn flower shop! What the hell did we do? Give you goddamn damn allergies. On GOD if-"

(M/n) continued to rant, heated at the situation. Now normally he would just blame it on some pro hero's tussling it out with villains or something. Sadly city damage isn't that surprising with the rise of villainous quirks around. But the rest of the street was untouched. Only the flower-shop had any type of damage. These attacks were deliberate. Why were they targeting them?

He faced his coworkers, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Boss is gunna k i l l me. I hope I don't get fired over this. " (M/n) ran his fingers through his hair and was about to fix what he could with his quirk before stopping abruptly. Taking out his phone he snapped a few pics of the damage before turning to look back at Aiko and Hinato.

"One of you go call boss and tell her what happened, I'll call the police. This shit hella sus." (M/n) told them before dialing 110.

Man- and he was hoping to get off work early today too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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