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Crouched down in front of a flowerbed, sat (m/n), meticulously weaving an arrangement of light pink and white flowers into a delicate crown.

It was barely 6am, and the sunrise was just beginning to peak out from beyond the horizon. The days had started to become slightly colder, and Autumn chill filled the air, causing goosebumps to erupt on (m/n)'s skin.

He decided he should hurry up and finish, before going inside to get a slightly warmer hoodie. His fingers moved quickly, tying off the chain and placing the finished crown on his head. He headed back into his house and started to get ready for the rest of the day.

(m/n) had no idea what compelled him to start the day off by making flower crowns. He was doing his usual morning garden check after his walk, when he noticed the delicate petals and his fingers just seemed to have a mind of their own.

It was a good thing the high school he went to had no uniform Friday's. He was feeling to dress more aesthetically pleasing today. Putting on a crisp white pullover with the words 'ALL MIGHT' in light blue print and black skinny jeans with holes at the knees, (m/n) felt rather good. Slipping on a pair of white vans and grabbing his backpack, (m/n) was out the door.

On his way to the station, (m/n) felt more eyes on him than usual. Perhaps it was the new jeans? It did make his ass look quite good.

Ahh, if only that was it, because our dear (m/n) had seemed to forgotten the halo of flowers on his head. (Though the jeans did help ngl)

As soon as (m/n) boarded the train, his eyes quickly scanned the area. Spotting the familiar blonde hair and slouched figure, he made his way over.

" Good morning Bakugou- san!"

He gave a little smile, cheeks flushing as the red eyed male turned his head and glanced at him.

Katsuki quickly did a double take, just to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him. He quickly voiced his thoughts on the matter at hand.

"The fuck is on your goddamn head?"

(M/n)'s face suddenly erupted into a full on blush, and his hand reached up to slightly feel the flowers. His fingers came into contact with soft velvety petals, and he realised that he forgot to take off the woven crown before he left the house.

None the less, he answered the blonde.

"Oh! It's a flower crown, I guess I forgot to take it off before I left this morning."

He glanced up at Katsuki's face, wanting to see his reaction. Said man just stared at him, scowl deepening.

" Looks fuckin' dumb. What're you supposed to be, some sort of fairy bitch?"

(M/n) felt slightly discouraged by Katsuki's words, but decided not to take them to heart. He clasped his hands together, and met the blondes gaze. Time for a little reverse psychology.

"You're just jealous cause' I can pull it off better than you can."

Katsuki's eyes narrowed. Was the cute fucker challenging him? The one who was going to be the greatest of all time? Like hell he's going to back down, no matter how stupid it was. Katsuki scoffed.

"Like hell dipshit, I look fucking great in anything"

"Oh yeah? Prove it."

Katsuki let out a growl, and promptly snatched the flower crown off the shorter boy's head. With surprising gentleness he placed it on his own spikey blonde locks. Making sure it was secured in place and that it wouldn't shift around, he looked back to the flustered boy beside him.

(M/n) was sure he looked as red as a tomato right now with how much he was blushing. He wasn't expecting the angry blonde to look cuter. Bakugou resembled a pouting puppy, the flowers definitely bringing down his scary appearance.

"See fucker, told you I would look fucking amazing."

"Yeah yeah, whatever, but you're too pussy to keep it on the whole day"

"Fuckin' bet."

(M/n) gazed down at his shoes, a small, sly smile on his face.

Mission accomplished.

---later w/ Kacchan at school---

Katsuki was pissed. He should've known flowerboy was up to something when he dared him. The looks his classmates gave him when he walked into the room were annoying him to no end.

He sank further into his seat. He was slowly reaching his breaking point and just wanted to rip the damn thing off his head and explode it into tiny fucking pieces.

He crossed his arms and scowled even further. There was only one little thing preventing him from doing so.

He wasn't gunna let fucking flowerboy have the satisfaction of being right that he couldn't keep it on the whole day.

Bakugou Katsuki wasn't a fucking pussy.

And done! Ahh, Katsuki is always just gunna be a little ooc, oh well.
All feedback is appreciated!
Until next time~!

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