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It was Saturday, and (m/n) was ready to sleep in and enjoy a slow, relaxing day at home.

He burrowed himself further in the covers, and let out a deep sigh. The peace and quiet was heavenly.

Sadly, not all good things in life last.

"Get your ass up (m/n)! You got work in 30!" he heard his mother's voice yell.


He quickly jumped out of bed, and toppled to the floor, bedsheets tangled up with his feet. He kicked off the ensnared sheets and rolled across the ground to his closet. Searching for a pair of regular black jeans and a rose pink hoodie, he grabbed them and proceeded to get dressed for the day. Going through with the rest of his morning routine and eating a quick breakfast, he was off.

Boarding the bus and taking the short ride into the bustling part of town, (m/n) was lost in thought. His mind eventually traveled to what happened a couple weeks ago, and his face scrunched up unpleasantly at the memory. Luckily, the creepy pedo hasn't turned up again and no similar incidents have happened since.

(m/n)'s theory was that it was because of Katsuki. The usually fuming teen was like a natural bodyguard, and gave off the vibes 'don't fuck with me'. Not to mention he literally looked like he was made of pure muscle. It was quite effective.

The bus began to slow down and (m/n) gathered his things. Stepping off the bus and running a hand through his hair, he made his way to work.

It was a popular little flower shop, perfectly fitting his quirk. The floral establishment surprisingly seemed to attract many customers, and (m/n) was always kept on his toes. Either working at the register or growing new flowers in the back, he was always on his feet.

(m/n) was the first to arrive out of his two co-workers, a high school girl whose quirk was that she could transform her hand into a watering can, and a male college student who could turn his hair into different types of soil. They got along well and didn't annoy (m/n) too much, so they were okay in his books. Plus they actually did their jobs, unlike his previous co-workers.

After slipping on a black apron that had his name embroidered on the top left corner, he made his way to the front of the shop. He flipped the little hanging sign to 'open'.

Continuing with checking the back of the shop for any wilted or dead bouquets, he went to water the blooming plants outside of the shop.

Hanging in front of the shop on two large window sills sat trays of hanging flora, covering the bottom of the glass. It was (m/n)'s daily task to keep the plants hydrated, along with the potted ones by the entrance door.

As he made his way over, watering can in hand, he noticed the whole entire right tray smashed. Soil along with wilting petunias spilled onto the sidewalk.

(m/n) gasped, and quickly hurried towards the mess. A frown glazed his features, and his eyes started to water. 'What happened? Who did this?'

Letting out a slow breath, (m/n) went and got a broom and bucket from inside. Sweeping up the excess dirt and dead flowers, he placed it inside the bucket.

(m/n) ran his fingers through (h/c) locks, then slightly cringed when he realized they were coated in dirt. Wiping his hand against his apron, he focused on the rectangular tray in front of him.

Luckily the damage wasn't as bad as he initially thought, and could still be used. He closed his eyes and pictured an assortment of spray Carnations with white Gypsophila.

Opening his (e/c) eyes, a small smile graced his lips.

'good as new'.

He cleaned up his tools and finished watering the rest of the surrounding plants. Heading inside, he continued to finish his morning chores around the shop.

It was going to be a long day.


Covering his mouth with his hand, (m/n) let out a loud yawn. He just clocked out of work and was exhausted. Besides for the little disaster this morning, the day continued on like normal.

His stomach suddenly gave a loud growl, and (m/n) quickly made sure that nobody heard him. Cause ya's embarrassing...we've all been there before.

'I could really go for some noodles right now.'

With his mind made up and mouth watering at the thought, he headed over to one of the best Ramen noodle stands in town.

(m/n) arrived at his chosen destination, and lifted his hand to move aside the maroon overhanging flap. As he slipped underneath the fabric, the delicious oily aroma of noodle broth and frying tempura hit his nose. He deeply inhaled the scent of the little shop as he walked to one of the high wooden stools by the bar.

He took a seat and was trying to decide between miso or shoyu ramen. He finalized he should just go for shoyu, since it was cheaper, and he was /basically/ broke.

Waiting for his meal, he observed the people around him. There was some old geezer sitting at the very far end of the bar, and someone sitting to the left of him.

Ignoring the geezer, he turned to evaluate the male beside him. And goddamn that's a lot of hot sauce.

(m/n)'s eyes looked up at the face of the too-much-hot-sauce-man and his gaze landed on well known, striking red orbs.


"The fuck? Flowerboy? Are ya' fuckin stalking me or something?"

(m/n) gaped at Katsuki's words. The blonde, as always, appeared a bit disheveled. His spiky locks were a little more wild than usual and wasn't in his typical U.A attire. Sporting a loose fitted black t-shirt and some joggers, he looked good.

Katsuki ran a tongue over his lips, which were red and swollen from his spicy ramen. (m/n) immediately took notice of this, and regretted it. A small flush grew its way on to his cheeks.

He then snapped his mouth shut, then opened it again realizing he still needed to reply the impatiently waiting blonde.

" Chill Bakugou- san, I only just wanted some ramen."

As if on que, a steaming bowl of shoyu ramen was placed in front of him. (m/n) quickly dug in, ignoring if it was still too hot. He had a tiring day, damnit, and was hungry.

Slurping his noodles, he glanced next to him at the surprisingly docile blonde. He was adding some more hot sauce to his own bowl, stirring it in with his chopsticks.

'How the fuck is that even edible at this point.'

(m/n) starred at Katsuki's ramen in amazement, and parted his lips to voice another one of his random thoughts.

" How the hell does your asshole not split in two with that much sriracha goddamn"

Katsuki turned towards him and blinked his eyes twice. (m/n)'s face suddenly felt on fire, and an embarrassed look crossed it.

'shitahitshit toosoonioverestimatedthecomfortlevelaaaaaanowheprobablythinksimaweirdoaajdkdk-'

His brief panic was stopped by the sound of a loud laugh. It was boisterous, unruly in a way, and easily gathered attention. Almost bordering on the noise of an uncontrolled roar.

Katsuki then gave him an unrestrained grin, sharp canines glinting in the lantern light of the stall.

"You're real funny Flowerboy, maybe it's because I'm not fucking weak, and can actually handle it like a real man. Not like some flavorless, pussy shit your eating."

(m/n) was left speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, trying to grasp at something to say.

'Holy shit.'

Chapter 6 complete! I know the flower shop scene might seem pointless, but it has a role in the future~
No double upload, cause I'm only half way done with it and just really wanted to post this one! I couldn't keep u guys waiting any longer!!

Not really edited, so please excuse mistakes. Until next time~!

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