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"My voice isn't annoying!"

"I'd beg ta' differ"

(M/n) pouted, eyes glaring at the slouched male above him. Katsuki was sporting a triumphant grin on his face, teeth on display for all to see. The few people around them seemed to slide a couple steps back, wary of the UA teen.

(M/n) stuck his tongue out at him, and faced his head towards his left shoulder.

A foot nudged his a bit roughly and (m/n) turned his head a little, (e/c) eyes peeking through thick eyelashes. He raised an eyebrow, silently asking what is it that Katsuki needed.

" Isn't this your stop? dumbass."

(M/n) looked around, noticing the flow of people leaving the car.  Quickly springing up from his seat, and nearly crashing into Katsuki, he gathered his bag and rushed towards the closing doors. Yelling out a goodbye to the blonde behind him he left the train car.

'Now all I gotta do is survive class... Fuck.'

--- timeskip to Kacchan in class---

Katsuki was slouched at his desk, his pencil randomly tapping a pattern against the edge his paper. He was bored out of his fuckin' mind. 

Aizawa sensei was going over some bullshit on the board that he already learned ages ago because, obviously, he was smart as fuck. And other than the monotonous voice droning on at the front of the classroom, and Deku's slightly annoying muttering, there was nothing worthy of his attention.

His thoughts soon drifted towards a certain (h/c) haired boy. He didn't understand why, but recently this flowerfucker had been on his mind. It pissed him off, for he could be thinking of battle strategies and better ways to improve his training instead of wasting brain space on some side-character.

There was something about him, in the way his presence seemed to annoy Katsuki's nerves. In the weeks he's known the boy,  Katsuki has never seen him pathetically cower in his company. But then again, he did save the little shit rag.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class and the start of lunch. Effectively bringing Katsuki's focus back to the real world. Sliding his chair back against the floor and standing up, he headed towards the lunch hall with his mind made up.
He was fuckin' hungry.


Wrote this 2 yrs ago n never posted it lmao.
Ne way I'll prob just post like 2 more chapters and rap this up cause yeah idk bitches b losing inspiration
Thank you guys for all the hilarious comments and feedback tho I literally just went thru all of them.
If there's a next time~!

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