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A vampire was sitting next to fireplace, holding a glass with blood inside relaxing.

Suddenly a tall figure walked inside the vampire's door "Sir. Your little brother wants to talk to you." He informed bowing, white cloth hanging on his left arm while his right hand is placed on chest.

"Tell him I'll be there later." The guy spoke and drank the blood on his glass.

The guy with the white cloth on his left arm stood up firmly and went out the room.

The guy beside the fireplace, holding his glass of blood stood up and placed his glass in the dark wood table beside his chair.

The male vampire has a jet black hair that almost cover his left eye. A typical looking vampire. He was wearing a black turtleneck suit and denim pants along with black shoes with matching white gloves.

He has a very tall figure and pale skin. Soon, he walked out of the room, grabbed his plain black coat and went to his brother's office.

When he sat foot infront of his brother's office, the elder vampire knocked the door. "Yeosang." He called, after his voice was heard the doors went open wide. Seonghwa walked in and sat at the chair in front of his brother.

After he went in and sat , the dark oak door behind him closed, a loud bang was created.

Yeosang's office is a wide room his wall room are colored dark gray and black and the room has three big windows. Each side of the window is covered with curtains leaving the center window opened , infront of the center window is his rectangular dark oak table and two chairs in front.

While on the left side of his room are long couches and a center table with a vase at the top of it and on the right side are books and other materials needed in his work. Infront of him is the door and a painting of the Park Family, that is seemed to be incomplete.

He, Yeosang is in charge of releasing war creatures such as werewolves , dangerous vampires and many more.

Yeosang is the definition of etheral beauty. Same as his older brother, he has a pale skin but he is shorter than him. He has a brown hair and piercing on his lip, he also has bloody red eyes. The younger wore a black long sleeve , wears a fluffy white scarf around him and tight jeans along with a pair of black shoes.

"Dad told us about the mission tomorrow. Witches will attack us soon." Yeosang stated while staring on a piece of paper, "You are incharge of this , why are you asking me?" Seonghwa peeking at his brother's paperwork replied.

His younger brother didn't answer because he was scanning the paper works which is given by their father.

"Well dad said, wE nEeD yOuR wIsE aDvicE thoUghT about this." He answered sarcastically while waving his pen. Seonghwa is used to his brother mocking him because his father always asked him about wars , etc. though his assigned in monitoring the castle.

"Just defend the castle, high ranked witches will be put at the dungeons to be asked about their next attacks." He answered while looking at his black painted nails, avoiding the sunlight.

"Why the hell are you scared of the light? Aren't we daylight walkers?" Yeosang asked and huffed, "I'm not used to it." The elder fire back, "I'll be going now since you don't need anything else." He added and walked away.

A/N : Hi helloooo it's me again! Sorry for a short chapter hehe and I apologize for the long description!!

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