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The elder vampire was sitting at his dark gray king-size bed writting when Soobin barged inside.

Soobin is Seonghwa's second youngest brother and a transforming vampire. He has beautiful facial features that is used to seduce an enemy. Soobin has a pale skin same with his brothers and black hair. He wore a plain black t-shirt that is tucked in denim pants and leather shoes. He can control dark elements using his mind and can transform as disguise.

Seonghwa was flinched in a sudden open of door but remained calm after. "What now?" The elder vampire continued writing.

"The light forest is being attack by the witches that are supposed to be here" Soobin informed while walking towards Seonghwa's couch and sat.

Seonghwa averted his gaze to his little brother and asked raising one eyebrow. "Your point is? You want us to be attacked instead of them?"

"Yeosang-hyung told me we should go there and check" Soobin lied. His brother is really lazy when it comes to this kind of things.

"And why is that? We aren't fairies or elves" Seonghwa shrugged and continued what was he doing earlier.

"Fine! Then I'll go there with Yunho-hyung" Soobin pouted and walked out the room.

After Soobin had left, he prepared himself to follow the two. He left his unfinished papers on his side table, grabbed his coat and went with the two. Seonghwa knows that Yunho can't reject Soobin's request even it's against Seonghwa's.

While he was walking along the hallway, Yeosang went near him.

"Where are you going?" Yeosang asked while fixing his hair.

Seonghwa was confused "Light forest. I thought you told Soobin to come?"

The younger looked at his brother who was also confused "I didn't say anything."

'That brat.'

"Then why are you coming along?" The elder vampire asked, "You have many paperworks to do." He added.

Yeosang tried to make a lie but a sudden word came out of his mouth "They are with Jongho so I'm coming along."

The older park was confused at first but decided to forget it.

A/N : this chapter is about them going to light forest!! sorry for a short chapter, again :') they gonna meetttttt

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