"We'll go now , Hongjoong-hyung! Thank you for helping us earlier!" Soobin thanked his hyung and hugged him tightly and the small elf hugged back."You are welcome. You're always welcome to come here okay?" Hongjoong assured and smiled. "Goodbye!!!" Soobin shouted and flew away.
After the vampires left, the fairies also bid their goodbyes and left San's cottage.
It was exactly 6 o'clock. Hongjoong immediately packed his things especially the black rose that Seonghwa gave him.
Mingi noticed him packing his things swiftly, "Hyung? Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna find mom. Stay here with San okay?" Hongjoong informed him.
Many light elves had left the forest due to the witch attacks. Some had died, some had survived, some had gone missing but some did cameback and started to rebuild their homes. Fortunately for them, the others didn't notice the vampire's presence or else they've attacked by the village elves.
Leaving two chaotic elves are dangerous nonethless he continued, all he could do is just to remind them "Don't go out. It might be dangerous."
"You should comeback hyung!!!!!!!" Mingi shouted and locked the door.
Hongjoong was walking through the forest finding for their mother. He was thrown by a witch from far away which he didn't know where, but he surely knows what direction.
While walking west, he felt unusual atmosphere. He could tell that he isn't alone. Then he remembered he was at the Medival Forest, where dark golems lives.
Dark Golems are an aggressive type of golem you will stumble upon, if you tried provoking them, they will catch you and crush you with big stones.
But this was different, he didn't provoke any golems before entering, passing Medival Forest is alright but provoking golems is a no no no.
He didn't mind the creatures whose following him.
Minutes later, a footsteps could be heard. Hongjoong immediately hid in the bush and observed the whole path. All the golems were asleep but some creatures aren't.
Minutes more later, he saw a big werewolf , finding for something. The werewolf was really big that it could crush you with it's one paw. It has a long claws, an emerald green eyes and sharp teeth. He cannot bring himself to snuck, werewolves has high sense of smell.
He chose to hid the bush when a pixie lighted where he was and the werewolf immediately noticed him.
The werewolf sprinted towards him, good thing he was quick, he jumped towards the opposite side of the werewolf and started to sprint towards the west so he wouldn't lose his way.
Hongjoong was very tired of running but he couldn't stop. If he stop, he would be eaten by the big creature that has been following him for hours.
His legs got very tired and he reached the dead end. He was scared, the wolf is almost twice of him. Hongjoong thought it was the end but it wasn't. The werewolf saw his necklace and got frightened. His necklace glowed and it also shock him and soon the werewolf sprinted away from him.
Hongjoong was very tired of all running but decided to keep on walking for the sake of his mother.
'Aish! If only I didn't helped that demons , maybe I have found my mother by now!' He said to himself, 'Also lucky for having this necklace that saved me' He added and smiled.
"MAMA!! WHERE ARE YOU???" The small guy shouted while wandering around at the foot of the mountain. After minutes of shouting , he didn't heard any response so he used his 'tracking dust'.
He showered the dusts around the path and waited until it come together and show the way.
After showering the dusts at the paths, the dusts started to form a line and moved. Happily, Hongjoong followed the dusts.
He saw his mother, sitting while the moon is pointing at her pale skin. His mother was caressing the head of a deer.
"Mama?.." Hongjoong called. "Ah! Hongjoong." Danhwa looked at him and smiled. The deer flew away to the place.
"Why didn't you come home?" The small elf asked and sat beside his mother.
"I kinda.. forgot the way.." his mother smiled awkwardly making Hongjoong giggled.
His mother never came out to the other places far away from the elven forest, reasoning for her not knowing where she is or where to go.
Then he remembered he wanna ask something.
"Mama, who is Hongdae?" Hongjoong asked looking at Danhwa hopefully she would answer.
"Do you wanna know her?" Danhwa smiled.
"Yes please." Hongjoong sat beside her and answered nervously good thing his mother dosen't seem to notice it.
A/N : i'll publish before i do my modules aha

SHADOW • seongjoong
Fanfiction➤ park seonghwa, a cold discreet vampire, that's how they describe him. truthfully, the vampire isn't cold, he's just keeping up his guard. the vampire had seem to bump against a young elf named kim hongjoong who also have a secretive past. [ !! ]wa...