Seven weeks later, still no signs of the triggering prism making everyone to worry. The vampires already scouted the west area while the fairies scouted the east area to make sure if any dark creatures are alright.
After scouting, everyone came home except from the vampire squad and Hongjoong's two chaotic cousins. Hongjoong do understand why sometimes Seonghwa don't come home much of the time, in his side, he also wanted to scout since the prism is their possession but his boyfriend says no.
Yeonjun and Hueningkai came to visit their hyung, Hongjoong to entertain him since they knew that his lover won't come home so soon. The two fairies are assigned to come at Hongjoong when Seonghwa's not around.
"Ah! Kai and Yeonjun! Welcome!" He greeted, smiling at them brightly, signalling them to come in. The fairies sat comfortably at the elf's home, they've been close for months, so why not be comfortable around his hyung.
"Hongjoong, don't you think your house is too boring?" Yeonjun stated, eyes wandering around the elf's house, the elf on the other hand just nodded in response, it's been a while since he did recreated his home designs.
Yeonjun, HueningKai and Hongjoong looked at each other and smiled brightly, they could talk through each other signs.
Though, Hongjoong felt sad about today since this day was supposed to be their anniversary but decided to shrugged it off because his lover is busy doing things.
"So, you're telling me, that you're gonna marry him?" Yeosang asked, arranging the papers on his table. In Yeosang's office, there where the vampire squad and the chaotic cousins come to meet.
Seonghwa nodded in response, fidgeting his fingers, he didn't feel any nervousness in him like this before. All of them in the room also nodded, thinking that Seonghwa must be serious about this marriage.
"Why are you asking us then? Plus you aren't even proposed to him!" Mingi complied, crossing his arms. Seonghwa knitted his eyebrows in confusion, making everyone sigh. "You don't know proposal do you?" Yeosang asked, losing hope from his brother's cluelessness. The elder vampire nodded nervously slow making everyone sigh once again.
"We'll help you!" Sunghoon and Soobin exclaimed making anyone giggle a little due to the two vampires' enthusiast.
Seonghwa was now sitting at the couch trying to process all the information that his friends and siblings gave him, he was mumbling by himself like a tiny baby who is first time on counting.
Scratching his nape, he questioned "so proposal is practically like a bridge to marriage?" he asked, with a confused look. Yeosang and Mingi nodded in response, eyes filling with sparkle due to his brother's revelations.
"Where are you bringing me? I'm getting scared Yeonjun." Hongjoong stated playfully while walking, eyes covered. The elf was scared that he might trip into something and fell to the ground. But he has a lot of trust in Yeonjun so he continued on walking.
Removing the black blindfold he had, Hongjoong shooked his head a little hard and opened his eyes widely. He saw a not so boring picnic set nor too majestic, just his type.
He approached the set to look around, designing the whole large tree with christmas lights was a great idea, the picnic set was really good.
Wandering around, Hongjoong didn't noticed Seonghwa coming in quietly making him startle when he faced him in which making them both laugh.
Seonghwa smiled at him dearly and held his small hands tightly leading him into the center of the picnic set basically where the tree is planted. The vampire inhaled and exhaled loudly making the elf giggle.
The whole set made Hongjoong heart skip in an unsual rate, what made his heart almost leaving his ribs is because of the words hanging in the tree branches. "Happy Anniversary, Little Elf"
He knew that his lover never forgets their anniversary though he's busy but he never forget every single thing. Little did Hongjoong didn't know that something special would happen at this specific time.
"To my love of my life, my strength and energy or almost my everything, thank you for existing. Thank you for making me realize that everyone could fall in love." he paused for air and incoming cheesy lines made by his siblings, "I want to be with you forever and love you like there's no tomorrow, I want the world to know that you're bonded to me." he continued, grabbing something from his pocket.
The elf was confused and excited at the same time, well he is confused since Seonghwa isn't that good at words but managed to pull off such kind of speech that is similar to a proposal things that happen.
Seonghwa knelt down and opened the black box, exposing a diamond earring that made Hongjoong eye-wide in shock. Earrings are given by the vampires when they are getting bonded or asking for your permission to marry them.
"To my elf, Kim Hongjoong, will you bond with me until the rest of your life?" He asked, smiling softly. Hongjoong also smiled in happiness, it's finally happening. "Who am I to say no?" He answered, "Yes. Yes I will." He added, pulling the vampire for a tight hug.
After parting from the hug, Hongjoong tiptoed and kissed Seonghwa, he was very happy, beyond happy.
While putting the earrings on the elf, the vampire had a little risky idea to celebrate their engagement day. After putting the left part, Hongjoong gently reached for the earring on his ears, to feel like what is the texture of it or how it feels to have it.
After putting both earrings, Seonghwa walked into a not so far direction to see how the earring look on his lover, he was not surprised seeing how the earring look so good. Hongjoong is an epitome of beauty.
"Baby, do you wanna go flying?" He asked, looking at Hongjoong fondly. The younger elf was confused at first but got it sooner, "sure! If I fall, I know you'll catch me." he exclaimed, swiftly giving the vampire a peck on his nose.
Both standing in an open area, waiting for Seonghwa to manifest his levitation to explore the starry sky. The vampire held the elf's hand in order to make him levitate like him. "Alright, here we go." he stated, both of them started to float from the rooftop.
Hongjoong was amazed at such event, though he knew that vampires has this kind of power he was still amazed by it since he was flying with the one he loves.
Floating in the sky seems hard, yes it is. Hongjoong had minute having a little hard time on controlling his weight against the ability but still manages to balance.
On the process of getting higher, the two was mesmerized of what they saw from the top, it was breath-taking and good for eyes. After a little bit of looking downwards, both of them looked up at the starry sky.
After reaching the desired place, the levitation stopped and left them on the sky, it was scary at first but you'll be at ease since the stars are smiling at you.
Seonghwa held Hongjoong's waist by pulling him close in order for them to see the moon infront of them. The moon was also beautiful, just like the vampire & elf's relationship.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Hongjoong blurted, admiring how the moon shine so bright even it is alone. Seonghwa glanced at the younger for a minute and responded, "it is."

SHADOW • seongjoong
Fanfic➤ park seonghwa, a cold discreet vampire, that's how they describe him. truthfully, the vampire isn't cold, he's just keeping up his guard. the vampire had seem to bump against a young elf named kim hongjoong who also have a secretive past. [ !! ]wa...