The paper

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#parseltongue# / thoughts

Ok so this chapter takes place after Voldemort called all his inner DE members and had a talk with them. I am not writing it because i have no idea what to write for it. Just imagine the original one without the duel or presence of Harry. All the Death eaters have gone back to their places except Snape, Lucius and Narcissa(yes she also came ). They are in the Slytherin Manor.

Voldemort was troubled, deeply troubled. In the last 12 hours he had not only got his body back but also his sanity, old looks, the boy who refused to die on his side, got to know that his most loyal follower and one of the few who were actually his friends and not just a servant for his use and dispose had planted a part of his soul in hands of a student. To be fair he didn't even know that so he wasn't to blame and thats the reason Lord Malfoy was not suffering under the crucio curse. 

He had Snape, Lucius and Narcissa waiting in the library  and decided to go there. He had came up with quite a few thories of what happened but their was only one that was adding up so he decided to go and test it out.

Lucius Malfoy

I was calmly sitting in the library with my wife and best friend then suddenly Tom enters. Against the popular belief Voldemort doesn't hate his real name it's just that only people very close to him are allowed to call him that and only in private. All that slave act was put on so that if their are any traitors they won't know which members of the inner circle have the strings. 

"Hello Tom nice of you to come join us." 

"Of course Lucius" he said in his human voice. He uses glamour on his face and voice during DE meetings and attacks so he can go to and fro without anyone noticing that he is the dark lord.

Severus and Narcissa stop their discussion over the best way to survive a bite from a poisonous snake and greet Tom and vise-verse. After Tom sit's down he starts asking questions about all the things that have happened after the destruction of his body. He had issued orders to all of his friends that if they are suspected to be death eaters they can 'switch' to to-many-names-Dumbledore for the time-being and help undercover. That's how Severus became a Triple undercover agent and also the reason I claimed to be under the imperious curse. 

"Lucius, Lucius, LUCIUS, LUCIUS ABRAXUS MALFOY!!"My wife yelled.

"Um- yes Cissa" I awkwardly say all eyes on me.

"You have been zoned out for like the last half hour. Severus almost lost his voice yelling." "Oh I was just thinking about the old times you know when the prophecy didn't exist and all."

"That reminds me you three look at this and tell me if this looks real to you" Tom shows all three of them the paper harry gave him.

The Paper:

Name: Hades Merope Riddle

adoptive Parents: James Fleamont Potter (Decreased), Lily Marie Potter ne Evans (Decreased)

God father: Sirius Orion Black-Lupin(Escapee), Remus John Black-Lupin (Alive), Severus Tobias Snape(Alive), Frank Longbottom (Insane)

God Mother: Alice Longbottom (Insane)

Blood famliy: Tom Marvolo Riddle (Unknown circumstances), Bellatrix Druella Black (Azkaban)

God father: Sirius Orion Black Lupin(Escapee), Remus John Black Lupin (Alive), James Fleamont Potter (Decreased), Severus Tobias Snape(Alive), Lucius Abraxus Malfoy (Alive)

God Mother:Lily Marie Potter ne Evans (Decreased), Narcissa Malfoy (Alive)

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