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#parseltongue# / thoughts

All four of them sat in silence unable to form words. Then suddenly Severus took a sharp breath and swiftly took the paper. He casted 'charta qualitas' and the paper glowed blue.

"This paper is only be found in Gringotts and used for conducting blood tests. There is no way that this is fake." Severus told the other three.

"But then why don't I remember, hell why doesn't anyone remember!" Voldemort half yelled

"Tom, we know that you want answers but we don't know either. I think the best course of action would be to try finding books or research papers on incidents of mass memory alterations." Narcissa said and her husband agreed.

"Cissa if it was just about Harry or Hades, you know what until we are sure what's going on let's just refer to him as Harry." Severus declared then continued "Yea so if we had just forgotten about Harry it would have been possible but the late Potters are as his Godparents and so is Black and his Werewolf. And as far as I know they were against us during the war." Severus said

"You got a better idea, no? Then be quiet." Narcissa snapped at him

"So where should we start from?" Lucius asked

"Lucius I love you but sometimes I wonder why I married you. We are in the goddamn library of Sazalar Slitherin himself! What better place to start there here." Narcissa said questioning her life decisions.

And so all four of them started going through the massive Library. They searched through each and every book they could find that was even partially connected to memory and blood tests. Severus wasn't able to actively participate in the search but checked the Hogwarts library for clues.

After weeks of searching they had started to lose hope but then one day after a long search tiring all of them out Lucius leaned onto a statue of a snake and one of the smaller shelves moved revealing a secret dungeon. That day was a weekend and Severus was present there as Dumbledore thought he was spying for him.

"What did you do Lucius?" Severus asked

"I don't know I just leaned on here and the shelf moved." Lucius replied pointing at the snake statue.

"Well we have to go inside so why waste time." Narcissa said

"Sure let's see what secrets are hidden here." Tom said

So they all took out there wands, casted 'lumos' and started going down. Once they reached the bottom of the staircase they saw a big room but couldn't make out any details. Tom casted a fire spell lighting all torches revealing a huge study with loads of books and what appeared to be a pensive on the table. Even though the room was probably not been accessed in ages not a speck of dust could be located.

The party of four approached the table with the pensive and saw a note which read "Hello Tom of the future. If you are reading this it means you don't remember writing this note. Now you are probably really confused. To get the answers you want, find what you found to access this study in this study. Good luck - Tom Marvolo Riddle"

"You really live up to your name don't you." Lucius snickered and Severus could be seen trying and failing to supress a smile.

Tom decided to ignore the duo and asked Narcissa "Do you see anything snake like?"

"Not at the moment, wait! Why don't you try speaking in parseltongue? Maybe that will reveal something. This is Sazalar's lair after all. It won't be suprising if some things are only accessible by it."

"Your logic is flawless. Well let's see. #Open#" Tom hissed

For a few seconds nothing happened but then the wall right besides the table moved and revealed a huge case of tiny labelled vials. They were memory vials all of them filled. There were so many of them that Dumbledores collection seemed insignificant.

Severus went towards the collection first and checked them. All the vials were labelled by the person the memories belonged to, the day of the memory and the day of extraction. Some of them dated as far back as Hogwarts herself.

By this time the other three had also started investigating the vials and then Narcissa exclaimed "These are our memories!" Pointing at a particular section.

The other three shared a look and then started checking that particular section. Sure enough all the vials were of either them or people they knew about. They picked up all the vials with there names and started pouring them in the pensive and viewing them. Everyone viewed eachothers memories. None of them were really remarkable until one of Tom's.

In it Tom was sitting on an armchair holding a baby. He looked worried. He then took a deep breath and started speaking "Greetings Tom of the future and the everyone else, if there is anybody else. Dumbledore has gone too far, instead of fighting in war he has started going for people who are close to me but chosen to be neutral. Earlier he was only attacking the Zabini's and the Greengrass's but now he is after the Black-Lupin's too who are truly neutral. It's about time before he finds out that I have a son and he starts targetting him to get to me. To insure his safety for the war, since it is getting messer by the minute I have made the decision to have the Potter's blood adopt my son. They agreed, they are going to go to hide with the fidelius charm with Peter Pettigrew. I recommend against it but he is a death eater loyal to me and James Potter trusts him. Also if Dumbledore is to suspect someone to be the secret keeper it would be Sirius or Remus. To insure total security everyone who knows about Hades existence is removing their memories and putting them in the last drawer of the table in this study. The instructions to what and how to replant them is in there too. Good luck future me." Tom ended his long explanation with a smile looking at the baby in his hands who was giggling.

The memory ended and all for of them looked at each other wide-eyed and speechless.

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