Wait WHAT!

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#parseltongue# /(person whose thoughts are being expressed) [thoughts]

Voldemort took out his wand and and said "So, how did you do it?"

"Do what?" Harry asked

"Revive me ofcourse an even bigger question why did you do it?"

Harry gave a small chuckle and said "I just poured your soul which was in that diary back into you. That's also the reason why you look so young as the soul in that diary was 16 you are about .... um not more than 30"

Voldemort stood their stunned by the information .

(Voldemort) [How does this mere teen know so much? Why is he helping me?I am the one who killed his parents after all and made his life as an orpa- no, no, no what am i thinking i can't possibly feel bad for him, Though Wormtail did inform me that whenever this kid came for his home he had major injuries and scars which according to that rat were not natural. Then again he is a fool, those scars might be from clumsiness and he thought they weren't.]

The dark lord came to his senses and saw the boy laughing. The man gained his composure and said in a cold voice "What's so funny?"

This made the boy quite but was still grinning and said "so your back from your thoughts?"

Voldemort sighed and said "yes, now tell me why did you revive me"

"well that's for me to know. I will tell you when it's time"

"And when will this 'time' be?"

"Soon enough, now i know that you have more questions soo"

" How did you get the diary, I gave it to lucius?"

"Well you see Sr. Malfoy sneaked it to a student who opened the chamber of secrets under the influence of your 16 old self, faked destroying the Hocrux, somehow convinced younger Tom to go back into the diary and used it to revive you." Harry said all of that very fast in one breath and took a few moments to catch his breath.

Voldemort's head started spinning now. (Voldemort)[This boy's intelligence way above an high level auror. I think he is doing this on the says of dumb-as-a-door but my instincts say that i can trust him its as if he is me- what if- what if that night i poured some of my soul into him and it has taken control. Its possible or maybe crouch gave him liquid imperi-]

"HELLO!!!!"harry yelled"earth to Voldemort"

"Yea i am back "

"Do you remember what i said"

Voldemort took a second and then remembered. It enraged him how dare lucius give my precious soul to a stupid student to open the chamber's how dare he. At that precise moment Peter  fell down on his knees and screamed while harry who predicted this and was ready with his occlumency shields but because of the mind connection he couldn't fully block it no matter how strong his shield were was feeling as if his head was on fire and was about to scream but he bit his lip to not and it came out as a whimper.

The whimper did what the scream didn't it brought Voldemort back to his senses and saw is follower and reviver  on the ground in pain. He didn't know why but he could feel the pain he was giving the boy, somehow calmed his anger down and surprisingly the pain subsided. For some reason the man started caring for the boy as if his own blood. He walked over to the boy who was surprised that he was on the floor as he didn't remember falling, blood flowing from his scar openly.

The man helped the boy to stand up who asked in a hoarse voice"Could you kindly keep your anger in control, by now your every dark marked supporter would have known that you are back."

"No they wouldn't the only reason peter felt the pain was because he was so close to me. At most the Azkabaned death eaters would have felt a twitch, nothing else. Now tell me this you don't have a dark mark so how did YOU feel the pain?"

"You have asked me something i don't have answer of. Now listen carefully I have to go back to school and act as if i don't know what happened, somehow was teleported to the middle of nowhere, survived and hide the fact you are back."

"We don't have to hide it. Dumbledore would figure it out anyways and the ministry wouldn't believe him until I actually do something."

Harry gave an mischievous smile and said "I have an idea then"

"And what that might be"

Harry pointed his wand at Wormtail and wordlessly binded and dragged him to them.

Wormtail started stuttering"M-m-my lo-lord p-ple-pleas-please-"

"Wormtail my dear follower i would but i am actually curious what Harry can actually do."

"I am not going to do anything. I am planning on you killing this and i taking back his body so I wouldn't be suspected and Sirius would be a free man."

"Sirius Black that man who escaped Azkaban?" Voldemort asked

" Yes he is my godfather from both sides"Harry replied

"What both sides?"

"I will tell you in a while but first kill this" pointing at wormtail trying to transform into his Animagus form " You won't be able to transform I have blocked your soul animal so good luck turning into a rat for atleast 3 hours."

"That's some impressive magic. Now good bye Peter "Avada Kedavra" he said and the ropes binding peter vanished as life left the body.

"Ok so now i will take this body back to Hogwarts" Harry said then gave a paper to the dark lord and said " Here take a look at this paper after i go, I should clear most of your doubts about whose side I am on and why I am helping you. Now when are we meeting again?"

Voldemort took the paper and said"After the first week of summer break i will send a loyal follower to bring you to me."

"Ok but i would prefer if you send Barty jr. ,don't be suprised I also know that he is the DADA professor not Mad-eye."

"You are very cunning you should be a Slytherin"

"I know that"

Voldemort conjured a bracelet out of thin air and handed over to Harry and said "I have done some charms on it so if their someone you want to prove to that you are on my side just show it to them and they will know."

Harry smiled and put in on

"Ok so i should be going know, got a role to play." He said while throwing his glasses away putting one hand on the lifeless body and holding his wand in the other.

"BYE DAD" Harry said then accioed the triwizard cup and vanished

Voldemort went in shock when he heard the boy he tried to kill 3 times call him dad. Then he hastily opened the paper. He read and reread it and fell on the ground and screamed "Wait WHAT!

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