Back to hell

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A/N : So this time Remus also came to watch the last task. Krum didn't attack anyone, he went down because of Blast-ended skewts

#parseltongue# /(person whose thoughts are being expressed) [thoughts]

Harry felt the familiar feeling of getting hooked by the navel and fell lightly on the ground. Harry tried getting up but fell down as if fainted. By then the crowd was screaming and the teachers, Weasleys, ministry officials and Moony came running towards him and the dead body.

Remus noticed nothing but his godson and rushed to levitate him so he can take him to the hospital wing.

Dumbledore tried stopping him by saying "Dear Remus where do you think you are taking young Harry" in his usual grand-fatherly tone with a twinkle in his eyes

"To the hospital wing because if you haven't noticed he is bleeding to death 'professor'."he said almost growling.

"I am afraid but that can't happen"

"And why so"

"Because I need to know what happen and explain to him what put hi-"

"You put him through this" Remus said it so loud that all that everyone started staring at him but he didn't care. "You couldn't make an age line that could prevent someone putting Harry's name. Not once you went to his house to check his well being and now you don't want him to go to the hospital wing because of-"

"My boy this is for the greater good"

"In hell with your greater good i would like to say so much more but i need to take my cub to Poppy." And Remus went from their and gently placed his cub on the bed harry normally is when in the hospital wing.

Harry who was pretending to be unconscious was internally smiling knowing that atleast Moony and Padfoot actually cared for him.

Madam Pompfrey almost freaked out at Harry's condition and that says alot as she was a medwitch who had tended almost any injury you can think of. She brought out a whole lot of potions and bandages and it took her around 45 mins to fully finish medicating him.

Around that time Harry had fallen asleep, Remus sitting their holding his hand while whispering that it will all work out. Dumbledore burst in the hospital wing with all the teacher's including Mad-eye, the Weasleys, Minister of magic, Percy, an over-joyed Sirius and Wormtail's dead body.

Remus jumped on his feet and started to say while turning back towards the door "For the love of god this is a hosp- SIRIUS!!!!!!!!" he yelled and rushed to hug him then saw his old 'friends' body and said "So you found this traitor's body. It can't be thirteen year old so i guess it proves that Black is innocent."

Fudge replies"It just proves that he didn't kill Pettigrew. What about Mr. and Mrs Potter's death Along with those thirteen muggles. This proves noth-

"What's happening?" Harry asked in a sleepy voice. Then he saw Moony, Padfoot and all the other people and said "Remus why-

"are so many people here?" Madam pompfrey completed "I only allowed you to stay here."

Dumbledore ignored her and said to harry "My dear boy i need to talk to you about what happened tonight and also about Peter's body you have brought here."

Harry replied in a confused voice " Peter? Who the deatheater who sold my parents to voldemort."

As he said that the whole wing except him, Dumbledore and the Marauder's Flinched. Dumbledore nodded. At that time Minister spoke "How makes you think that peter was the traitor not Sirius. After all you can't possibly remember you were one year old at that time."

Harry without saying anything just got up and walked towards his godfather and the dead body. He asked Sirius to role the sleeves of his left arm and does the same for the body.

Harry then said "Sirius doesn't have a dark mark which he would most probable be given if he told my parents location to Voldemort." he continued ignoring the uncomfortable atmosphere "But see peter's wrist it has the dark mark which means that he was a loyal supporter of the dark side. Sirius wanted to kill him because he broke the charm. Peter runned in an crowded street, lied about Sirius being the killer, cut his own finger, blew up the place, transformed into his Animagus form which was a rat and successfully got an innocent locked in Azkaban.

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