10: Meeting Ash's Alolan Pokémon

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Day 1.5: Meeting Ash's Alolan Pokemon

Hello my lovely readers!!! I'm finally back from the hiatus of "I'm Back, Alola". I've been writing some chapters and today I will post 3 of them. In this chapter, I would love to give a big thanks to sunsetsiren for allowing me borrow her Pokemon descriptions from her book called "I can make you laugh". Go check it out!!!  I appreciate your patience since you waited long and I was with writer's block. I ought to myself the day I announced the hiatus that I would repay your kindness and patience for waiting. Every reader, you are so kind-hearted and I deeply thank you for everything. I'm finally back ready to give more chapters and love. We're done with our heartwarming reunion, now I give you Chapter 10.

 We're done with our heartwarming reunion, now I give you Chapter 10

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(I really like this photo!) Enjoy!!!

I'd really love to thank Sage_Jax_The_Omega, KimGabriel2, Sammy24036, AnimePokemonWorld, bleachescumslut, Stella_EnderWatcher, ItzNotWendy, MatthewCarwile, Virgil-Afton, goldenfoxy1887, Cinderace58, el165547, Frog-Quackity6425, Jafet4356, Ink01234, rosephoenix12, xr3pa_, Atrevi212, Froggibear, DuchessAnime, XxWolfy452xX, imjustamourshipper, Hidhidd, RAJESHBAJPAI7, KiribakuPotatoe, Randomperson0719, WarGreninja, JeffreyCyrillKho, pokechomp101, MehlovezUnderTaleyey, Pokemonthebest123, NursuhailyAnida, Yukihira_Souma_, FTGYDFN12, Ftgydfn, PhoenixDown3, non-binary_beam18, and StevenLaurenceSoria for following me.

I'm Back, Alola [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now