Chapter 1

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"I'm just never enough aren't I?" was going around through my thoughts. I slid my back on the bathroom wall. Then hit my thoughts, I needed to get out of here. I stood up, packed up my belongings in my room, and left.

Just that easy I left a year ago to Oklahoma City. That one year was perfect. Point flyer on the school cheer team, was one of the popular ones, had a social life, all of it. In that one year I've dyed my hair from brunette to blonde.

"Promise me you won't dye your hair?" ringed in my thoughts in a deep voice. I ignored the thoughts and started to repack my things. The one year of living with my aunt was one of the best desisions I made. But now I have to go back.

I have to go back to the torture, miserable life I use to have. Back to getting made fun of for dancing. Back to never being accepted into the society. All the misery will return.

I zipped up the luggage bag then went to the bathroom real quick. Checked if the bow in my hair was okay. Also if the uniform looked nice, for the final time. It looked fine. I grabbed my cheer bag and went into my aunt's Dodge Charger.


"Ready... okay!" I screamed out. After the quick cheer to get the crowd pumped up I put my sleeves down a bit and went to get a drink. The school year has just began and I already have to transfer.

The next day will be my last. Technically it's today. I grabbed a top and a pair of jeans then went to the bathroom to change. [ the dang set! lol I'm so mean to myself ] I grabbed my pair of shoes and school bag then headed to the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie!" said my aunt. "How do you think you last day here's gonna be?"

"Terrible." I said.

"And why's that?" said my aunt.

"Because I'm probably not even gonna see my friends ever again." I responded. I grabbed an apple and took a bite. "Well I gotta go, bus is gonna get here any minute now." I walked out the door and was on my way to the bus stop.


"We're really gonna miss you!" said one of my classmates.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" I said. I had my arms out for a group hug. It's 5th period, the bell's gonna ring any minute now. 

"R-r-r-ing!" there goes the bell. I gathered my stuff and put my backpack on one shoulder. I was walking toward my locker until I saw my boyfriend Alex leaning against it with a small teddy bear. Alex hugged me and went straight for a kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you babe." Alex said in between kisses. I leaned back to speak.

"I'm gonna miss you too Alex!" I said. 

Alex handed me the teddy bear and hugged me once again. I hate having to leave everyone behind but I must. With the family finding everything out I have to or I'm skrewed. I opened my locker and collected everything in it.

The pictures, notes, and textbooks. Alex went to go talk with his football teammates about the next practice. I walked to the office to hand all my textbooks in.


I'm at the airport getting my luggage. I stacked up the luggage, sat down on a bench, and waited for my aunt. While the Charger is being sent to New Jersey, we have to use cabs. I put my luggage in the back along with my aunt's and had a seat in the cab.

The house is a little big for just the 2 of us but I'll take it. I walked upstairs and found the room I wanted. The farthest away room from all of them, has a balcony, and is close to a tree. I set my luggage down near the corner and decided to look out the balcony.

I walk out the balcony and see a familiar face in the next house. With the windows right open I think I know who it is. I look around for a little while and go back inside.

"Sweetie! Come downstairs for a minute!" yelled out my aunt in a happy tone. I walk downstairs to see what she's all happy about.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Well you remember ICON Dance Complex right?"

"Uh what about it?"

"I think I can get you in!"

"I am not going to start dancing again!"

"Why not?"

"I don't know! I just don't wanna dance again."

"One more chance?"

"Fine! When's the next open?"

"Today in about an hour."

Without a doubt, I went back up to my room and changed into a tank top and sweat pants [ get the other dang set lol ]. I changed and got my backpack. I filled it with a couple water bottles, $20 for the open class, and $10 just in case. I got a hair tie and put my hair in a messy bun.

I think I remember the way to ICON so I went walking. I eventually found it and paid for the open. I walked into the studio the open is going to be held at, put my backpack to a side, and started stretching. Again I saw that familiar face.


Never Enough -Madison Alamia Love Story- (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now