Chapter 3: Maybe He's Nice!

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Noelle's POV

Noelle's POV

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Shocked....all I can say is I'm shocked. I mean I knew I had a father, and I always hoped that he would come and save us. But, after everything that has happened now, I guess I'm just scared to be rejected and abused again.

After the lady dropped us at home, I instantly run up to our room and shut the door. I break down, honestly I truly don't know the reason. I just sit on the bed sobbing, sobbing for my dead mother, sobbing for the relief that Chris is gone, sobbing because of the fear of something happening to my brother or my baby. I start to hyperventilate, my chest starts hurting.

I hear the door open and feel arms around me. I started to tense up, but a secure and safe feeling washed over me and I knew it was Rio. " Andrá bene lo prometto. Non li lasceró mai. (It will be okay i promise. I won't leave you ever. (Italian) ) I hear him say soothingly. Just those words made my breathing start to even out. I start to really think about what he said and I start to feel better, I know he won't leave me.

"Yo se que te amo" (I know I love you) "Yo te quiero más" (I love you more) his words calm me and I start to pack as does he. I didn't take long seeing as though we really didn't have anything. I work...well worked as a nanny for a rich family that lives about 25 minutes away. They paid pretty well which helped us buy food and clothes. Rio worked at the gym down the street, training the kids that would come. His job didn't pay as much but I knew he loved it.

"Vamos a dormir un poco. Mañana será un largo dia."( let's get some sleep. It will be a long day tomorrow) "Okay." I reply. Laying down on the mattress that lay in the corner of our small room. I slowly drift to sleep feeling Rio next to me and making me feel safe.

I can hear people talking down stairs. I hop up alert to see the bed empty and our bags gone. I listen in while getting out of the bed. I hear Rio's voice and relax, he is probably just talking to the lady from yesterday. After I went to bathroom and get ready with the clothes I left out for today I head downstairs. I see them both sitting on the couch. They look over as I descend.

"Good morning Noelle! How did you sleep?" She chirps. Does she not know I just woke up? "Good morning! I slept fine and you?" I ask being polite instead of saying nothing and just looking at her crazy. I had to stop myself from speaking in Spanish. I sometimes feel like that's my first language instead of English. I know we are mixed with something Hispanic. Mom was black but she would speak some Spanish to us sometimes. Just little stuff and she always pronounced are names with an accent. I would ask her why, she would always say she wanted us to know where me came from and that's was how are names are supposed to be said.

"I slept well thank you! Well if you guys are ready let's go to my office and meet your dad!" I guess this is it. They stand and walk towards the door, I just follow. Rio grabs both of our bags am I grab my book bag/purse with everything we need in it. Wallets, phones, chargers, my prenatal vitamins, our throwing knives, our gun, a taser, chapstick, and most importantly our necklaces. We never knew where they came from but we have always had them. As for the guns and knives, we were trained with both. We never really used them because if need be we could fight, but mom taught when we turned 10. I wasn't really sure why but she made sure we knew.

I sit in the back seat, watching the buildings and cars go by. The lady whose name I still don't know, is just humming along to the low music playing. I look over at Rio, he looks many things; tired, confused maybe, relieved for sure, but mostly tired. I wonder if he slept at all? "Dormiste anoche?" ( did you sleep any last night?) he looks over and just shrugs. I know he probably stayed up worrying about everything, I mean I can't blame him but I hate when he doesn't take care of himself.

I'm deep in thought when I hear the car shut off and the lady turned slightly looking back at us "Okay guys we are here! Are you guys ready?" We just nod and get out of the car. We start to follow her into the building and Rio grabs my hand, I smile up at him and just grins down at me. She takes us to what we believe is her office and tell us to wait here and she will come back with our dad. I read the door, "Danielle Williams, Social Worker" Well that makes sense.

I feel Rio look at me and I turn towards him. He finally speaks "you okay? Are you ready?" I just nod because I'm not entirely sure yet but we'll see how it goes. I finally speak "Maybe he's nice!"

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